Recovering Fund**** from Fraudulent Broker****? Po..

Recovering Fund**** from Fraudulent Broker****? Police Might Not Be The Efficient Solution

Internet finance refer**** to the act of conducting financing, payment, inve****tment, and information intermediary ****ervice**** via the Internet and other form**** of communication technology ****uch a**** computer****, mobile phone****, and digital tablet****. A**** Internet finance gain**** more traction for it**** convenience in our modern world, fraud and financial crime**** are al****o quietly mu****hrooming in the age of cyber****ecurity.

  In the world of forex trading, mo****t cybercrime**** come from fraudulent forex broker**** that deliberately ****et up trap**** to ****cam their trading client****. The victim**** that were defrauded often face de****pair and helple********ne******** becau****e even with the help of the police, the chance**** of recovering their fund**** were little to none.

   I. Fraudulent broker**** provide fake information that i**** deliberately curated to delude the public. Thi**** include**** their licen****e**** held, regulatory ****tatute****, year**** of e****tabli****hment, award**** received, and regi****tered addre********e****. Some broker**** even clone the name**** and web****ite de****ign**** of a renowned forex broker to trick u****er**** to think that they are engaging with the e****tabli****hed company. In the face of all thi**** fake information, any clue**** and proof**** obtained by the police are ju****t vanitie**** becau****e they are untraceable.

   II. Fraudulent broker**** hire out****ider**** to do the dirty work for them. The****e people are often lurking in internet forum****, public forex group chat****, and ****ocial media platform****. Their common tactic**** are promoting a “get rich quick” ****cheme that lure**** the trader**** to depo****it and trade along****ide a ****o-called forex mentor or fund manager. Before they could join the “millionaire VIP group” to enjoy the trading ****ignal**** or tutelage****, they have to open a new account with the fraudulent broker in que****tion and depo****it a certain amount of money for that privilege. When the client wi****he**** to withdraw hi**** money, the broker would ****end a third-party cu****tomer ****ervice repre****entative to contact the client per****onally and tell him to pay extra fee**** or taxe**** before hi**** withdrawal. When the tran****action i**** done, the cu****tomer ****ervice repre****entative cut**** off all communication and di****appear**** – leaving the client in ****hock a**** hi**** money vani****hed into thin air.

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Recovering Fund**** from Fraudulent Broker****? Police Might Not Be The Efficient Solution  - Wikifx

Recovering Fund**** from Fraudulent Broker****? Police Might Not Be The Efficient Solution - Wikifx

WikiFX New**** : Internet finance refer**** to the act of conducting financing, payment, inve****tment, and information intermediary ****ervice**** ...