Risks associated with the Keto Diet

Risks associated with the Keto Diet

Over the past few years, the keto diet has skyrocketed in popularity as many celebrities have come out in support of its fat-burning advantages.

Although it has been shown to be successful at burning fat, there are still some potential risks you should be aware of.

Take into account these potential drawbacks of the ketogenic diet:

First, keto flu. Starting the keto diet can have a short-term adverse effect known as "keto flu," which includes symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and exhaustion. Your body experiences shock when you quit eating carbohydrates, especially if you're used to consuming a lot of them. As a result, you may have flu-like symptoms.

Consuming foods high in potassium


Avocados and leafy greens, drinking lots of water, eating these meals, and getting plenty of sleep, you can lessen the symptoms of keto flu.

Additionally, if you cut off all of your carbohydrates gradually rather than abruptly, these symptoms may lessen or possibly disappear.

Constipation As soon as your gallbladder is overworked, this symptom appears. The organ in your body that makes the bile that tears down the fat in this diet is your gallbladder, which is why this is.


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 Absence of fiber


This diet is another possible cause of this adverse effect, which might happen if you start to reduce your carb intake. Increasing your fiber intake by eating more fresh veggies can help to alleviate this feeling.

 Putting on excess weight


Since the keto diet is so restrictive, many experts advise sticking to it for no longer than 90 days before switching to a more long-term eating plan.

 The problem with this is that when people stop their diets, they frequently revert to their old behaviors and gain back any weight they had previously lost.

Perhaps a less rigid eating plan with a few more carbs would be preferable?



For people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the keto diet may be harmful. This is due to the fact that ketosis, which happens when the body digests too many ketones, can lead to the disease known as ketoacidosis.

Ketones are a result of fat burning, which takes place when a person is in ketosis.

Your blood may become very acidic as a result of ketoacidosis, which could harm your liver, kidneys, and brain. Despite being uncommon, this illness can be lethal if neglected.

 A loss of muscle mass

You could discover that this diet causes you to consume less protein than you did previously. This can cause you to lose muscle mass, which would lower your metabolism.

Once you resume eating normally, you run the risk of putting the weight back on if you are unable to burn off as many calories due to your decreased resting metabolic rate.

 Enhanced risk of diabetes and heart disease

Consuming a lot of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins is encouraged by the keto diet. Some people may decide to pile their plates high in unhealthy fats and bacon when they encounter the phrase "high fat," though. Your risk of diabetes and heart disease may increase as a result.

Make sure you're consuming nutrient-rich foods while on any diet, whether it's the keto diet or any other. This entails consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables together with lean proteins from either lean meats or plants, such as tofu, lentils, chickpeas, and quinoa.

If you want to reduce weight, there are many reasons you might want to think about the keto diet. Just keep in mind that despite its advantages, there may still be some risks.

Be careful and look out for yourself. Consult your doctor or look for a substitute that satisfies your preferences while posing less hazards if you have any worries about the risks associated with the keto diet.

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Ekene Mathias 2 yrs

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Eyitoni Omayuku 2 yrs


Gentle 2 yrs


Chukwuemeka Obiora 2 yrs
