GENOTYPE/BLOOD GROUPPlease let your son/daughter know his/her gPenotype before he/she says yes to that handsome guy or to that beautiful lady whom he/she wishes to spend the rest of his/her life with...Genotype & It's Appropriate Suitor: AA + AA = ExcellentAA + AS = GoodAA + SS = FairAS + AS = BadAS + SS = Very BadSS + SS = Extremely Bad (In fact, don't try it)SickleCellAwarenessBLOOD GROUP COMPATIBILITYWhat’s Your Type and how common is it?O+ 1 in 3 37.4%(Most common)A+ 1 in 3 35.7%B+ 1 in 12 8.5%AB+ 1 in 29 3.4%O- 1 in 15 6.6%A- 1 in 16 6.3%B- 1 in 67 1.5%AB- 1 in 167 .6%(Rarest)Compatible Blood TypesO- can receive O-O+ can receive O+, O-A- can receive A-, O-A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O-B- can receive B-, O-B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O-AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O-This is an important msg which can save a life! A life could be saved....: Your Blood group also speaks about you.A(+) Good leadership.A(-) : Hardworking.B(+): Can Sacrifice for others and very ambitious, tolerance.B(-) : Non flexible, Selfish & Sadistic.O(+): Born to help.O(-) : Narrow minded.AB(+): Very difficult to understand.AB(-) : Sharp & Intelligent.What is your blood group?Try....It....share the Fantastic information..EFFECT OF WATER We Know Water is important but never knew about the Special Times one has to drink it.. !! Did you ??? Drinking Water at the Right Time Maximizes its effectiveness on the Human Body; 1 Glass of Water after waking up - helps to activate internal organs. 1 Glass of Water 30 Minutes before a Meal - helps digestion. 3 1 Glass of Water before taking a Bath helps lower your blood pressure. 4 1 Glass of Water before going to Bed - avoids Stroke or Heart Attack.All the above information will allow you live a peaceful and stressless life.For more on drugs for longevity please click….


rasaq balogun

1 Blog posts

Alphonsus Odumu 3 w

It's a big deal

Angela Anayo Nzeh 6 w

Good for one to know his genotype and blood group

kenlight 47 w

Nice enlightenment

Grace Alonge 50 w


Grace Oluebube 51 w


Chioma Daisy Ekhoragbon 1 y

Very important

Adeyefa Precious 1 y

I know of a person that is AB+, the person doesn't easily understand

Humphrey Arinze Chukwu 2 yrs

Quite informative

Olubusola Adekoya 2 yrs


Unyime Okon 2 yrs

This is lovely