Is traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere

Traditional music is an integral part of a country's cultural heritage and can provide a glimpse into its history, values, and way of life. It often reflects the local customs, beliefs, and traditions of the people who created it, and helps to preserve their identity.

The question of whether traditional music of a country is more important than international music that is heard everywhere is a complex and nuanced issue. On one hand, traditional music is often seen as an important aspect of a country's cultural heritage, representing the history, values, and identity of a people. On the other hand, international music has become increasingly popular in recent years, reflecting the globalization of culture and the ease with which music can now be shared and consumed across borders.

To fully explore this issue, it is important to consider the following aspects:

  1. Cultural significance and heritage:

Traditional music is often considered an important part of a country's cultural heritage, reflecting the history and values of a people. It can serve as a means of passing down cultural knowledge and tradition from one generation to the next. Traditional music can also be seen as a way of expressing the unique identity and values of a particular community or region.

In contrast, international music often reflects a more generic or universal culture, rather than the unique identity of a specific country or region. It may lack the same level of cultural significance or historical context that traditional music possesses. However, international music can still be enjoyed and appreciated for its artistic merit and entertainment value.

  1. Representation and identity:

Traditional music often represents the identity of a particular community or region, and can serve as a powerful symbol of cultural pride and heritage. It can be a means of celebrating the unique qualities and values of a people, and can serve as a form of resistance against cultural assimilation or homogenization.

In contrast, international music may represent a more globalized or homogenized culture, and may not reflect the unique identity or values of a particular community or region. However, international music can still provide a sense of connection and shared experience across cultural boundaries.

  1. Accessibility and popularity:

Traditional music may be less accessible or popular than international music, particularly outside of its country of origin. It may be harder to find or access, and may not have the same level of exposure or distribution as international music.

In contrast, international music is often widely available and accessible, with many popular artists and songs easily accessible through streaming services and other platforms. International music may also be more popular and widely recognized than traditional music, particularly among younger generations.

  1. Artistic merit:

Traditional music is often valued for its artistic merit, with many traditional forms of music incorporating complex rhythms, intricate melodies, and poetic lyrics. It can be seen as a high form of artistic expression, reflecting the skill and creativity of the musicians and composers who create it.

In contrast, international music may be valued more for its commercial appeal and entertainment value, rather than its artistic merit. While international music can still be appreciated for its artistic qualities, it may not be held in the same high regard as traditional music in terms of artistic value.

  1. Impact on society:

Traditional music can have a significant impact on society, shaping the way people think and feel about their culture and identity. It can serve as a means of promoting social cohesion and a sense of community, and can also be used as a tool for social and political change.

In contrast, international music may have a more limited impact on society, particularly in terms of promoting social change or shaping cultural identity. While international music can still have a positive impact on society through its ability to entertain and inspire, it may not have the same level of cultural or social significance as traditional music.

Overall, the importance of traditional music versus international music depends on a range of factors, including cultural significance and heritage, representation and identity, accessibility and popularity, artistic merit, and impact on society. While traditional music may be seen as more important in terms of its cultural and historical significance, international music can still be appreciated for its artistic value and entertainment appeal. Ultimately, the value and importance of music

Jethro Osadjere

82 Blog posts

Jubilee Ohwodiasa 46 w

Traditional music must be listened to because its also part of our culture and history

Adeyefa Precious 1 y

Listening to some local music in some cases holds histories

ego glory 1 y


Chibor Josiah 1 y

It depends on the kind of song produce and the message in the song