Working Together to Relight the Fire

Working Together to Relight the Fire

The first step when you begin to notice persistent problems getting an erection is to make an appointment to see your doctor.

The first step when you begin to notice persistent problems getting an erection is to make an appointment to see your doctor. Erectile dysfunction is a vascular disease (a blood vessel problem) and often is associated with other vascular diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease.

The ability to develop and maintain an erection depends on healthy blood vessels. When arteries become clogged with cholesterol or damaged by high blood pressure, blood flow into the penis can be impaired.

If you're experiencing erection problems, you're probably not alone. Your spouse or partner is also affected. Fortunately, there's plenty of both of you can do to overcome ED and enjoy better and more intimate sex. In particular, use Sex toys for ED.
Sex toys and devices make many claims about their effect on erectile dysfunction. Toys and devices present a less-invasive, non-prescription option for in-the-moment ED treatment. And it can be less embarrassing to acquire them than to get your hands on a prescription. You don't need to talk to a health care provider to get a cock ring.

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8 Blog posts

Jubilee Ohwodiasa 49 w


Adeleke Ajibola 1 y


Humphrey Arinze Chukwu 2 yrs

The first step when you begin to notice persistent problems getting an erection is to make an appointment to see your doctor.