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Adedayo Oluwafemi


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Country Nigeria
Gender Male

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The United States former First Lady, Mitchell Obama Rocks Ankara Fashion Style

Ankara Fashion Trending, Nigerian women massively adopt the high and quality fabric material Ankara clothing, especially for special occasions like naming ceremonies, weddings,…

Ankara Fashion Styles to the World | OurFashionPassion

Ankara Fashion Styles to the World | OurFashionPassion

Ankara fashion adopters are not limited to African women and Celebrities alone, it is raving all over the world. The Hollywood Stars and Europeans are rocking.

What do Beautiful Feet look like?

All kinds of feet are meant to be cared for. Really. In my case, I like anyone who has smooth & gentle feet.

Tthe smaller they are the cuter they are. But I don’t obsess Iver feet either it’s just nice to look at and..

What do beautiful feet look like? | OurFashionPassion

What do beautiful feet look like? | OurFashionPassion

Recently he’s been giving me foot massages through the evening walking on slippers alone so that people can get to notice my beautiful feet.

Starting a fashion Designing Business

Africa is no longer depending on the government’s white-collar jobs again, due to economic failure and maybe bad leadership by corrupt leaders.

I would not leave you without giving you the good news you can start your fashion designing business with little funds and... #startup #business #trade

How to Start a Fashion Designing Business |

How to Start a Fashion Designing Business |

When you are starting a fashion designing business, you might also go through some distress on meeting up with the taste of the few patronages of your business
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Adedayo Oluwafemi changed his profile picture
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Why did you call him a madman?

Only God can withstand the echo of the noises that stream through men's hearts. How dare you call somebody a mad person? You do not acknowledge the fact that your heart keeps silent only when you are dead. A mad person is unkempt and talking alone outside, but you reason with your heart. The noise is made from the outside and inside. Are they not the same? Nobody tells the truth, and I wish I had been during his short years. The study of my heart that would not be rejected or denied is the fact that you are a liar, but he was truthful for the worthiness of the record of his life that is the reality through practice. I submit to Him because He withstood the course of a very strong wave of the dark path and..... #love

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