SAFe® Product Owner / Product Manager Course SAFe POPM
SAFe POPM 6.0 Certification Training Course

Become a successful Product Owner with SAFe POPM 6.0 Certification Training! Develop the necessary skills to lead the product development process and align business objectives with customer needs.

Learn the key concepts of Agile, Lean, and DevOps through a blend of online lectures, interactive activities, and group discussions. Acquire expertise in prioritizing product features, managing the product backlog, and collaborating with cross-functional teams. Gain knowledge to optimize the product development process and maximize the value of products and services delivered to customers.

Through SAFe POPM 6.0 Certification Training, you can become a certified Product Owner and lead product development initiatives. Advance your career and enhance your organization's performance by delivering high-quality products that meet customer expectations. Join the elite group of SAFe certified professionals and contribute to the transformation of your organization.
