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The Anycubic Photon Mono M5 and M5s are both medium-format resin 3D printers known for their affordability and decent print quality. Here's a breakdown of their key differences to help you choose:

**Printing Speed*

* **M5s* Significantly faster printing speeds due to a more powerful light source and optimized slicer settings. It boasts an average printing speed of 105mm/h.
* **M5* Offers standard printing speeds, typically ranging from 20-50mm/hr.

**Print Quality*

* **M5* Generally considered to produce slightly sharper prints, especially when using high-quality, detail-oriented resins. This is likely because of the slower printing speed allowing for more precise curing.
* **M5s* Prints may have a slight trade-off in detail for the sake of speed. However, the quality is still good for most applications.


* **Both M5 and M5s* Share the same LCD screen with a resolution of 11,520 x 5,120 pixels, resulting in an XY resolution of 19 microns.

**Other Features*

* **M5s* Includes auto-leveling for a more streamlined printing process. This ensures the print bed is perfectly level for optimal print quality.
* **M5* Requires manual bed leveling, which can have a learning curve but offers more control for experienced users.

**Here's a quick table summarizing the key differences*

| Feature | Anycubic Photon Mono M5 | Anycubic Photon Mono M5s |
| Printing Speed | Slower (20-50mm/h) | Faster (105mm/h) |
| Print Quality | Potentially sharper | Good quality, slight trade-off for speed |
| Resolution | 11,520 x 5,120 pixels (19 microns) | 11,520 x 5,120 pixels (19 microns) |
| Auto-Leveling | No | Yes |

**Choosing Between M5 and M5s*

* **For speed* If printing speed is your top priority, the M5s is the clear winner.
* **For detail* If high-resolution, detailed prints are crucial, the M5 might be a better choice, especially if you're willing to invest time in manual bed leveling.
* **For beginners* The M5s' auto-leveling feature can simplify the printing process, making it more beginner-friendly.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific needs and priorities.



The Anycubic Photon Mono M5s pro is another 3D printer model from the reputable Anycubic brand. This resin 3D printer is known for its impressive build volume.