2 Jahre ·übersetzen

What is a Tewl Measurement Device?

The Tewameter TM HEX analyzes the transepidermal water loss, an indispensable parameter for assessing the skin's water barrier function. It is done with great accuracy and reproducibility. Many clinics evaluate transepidermal water loss through a tewl measurement device. It is the ideal device to measure the density gradient of water evaporation from a patient's skin. More details click here…https://medelink.ca/research-d....evices/probes/sub-pa

Tewameter probe TM HEX- Global TEWL Measuring Device | MEDELINK

Tewameter probe TM HEX- Global TEWL Measuring Device | MEDELINK

TEWL measurement can be accomplished quickly and easily by Tewameter® TM Hex (successor of the world-wide popular Tewameter® TM 300). The Tewameter® probe measures the density gradient of the water evaporation from the skin Δc which is proportional t