Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) solar and mini-grids solutions provider, Engie Energy Access (EEA) Nigeria has consented to a task finance arrangement with speculation organization, CrossBoundary Energy Access (CBEA) to fabricate a $60 million arrangement of little matrices that will interface north of 150,000 individuals to power in Nigeria.

Under the arrangement, Engie Energy Access will administer the development, give long haul activities and keep up with administrations for the small scale networks. Engie will guarantee that the private, business, and useful use clients get perfect, dependable power while conveying excellent and client driven administrations.

What you should know
CrossBoundary Energy Access will invest in the project from the procurement stage
CrossBoundary Energy Access and Engie Energy Access plan to implement this agreement over the next four years.
This agreement is the largest mini-grid project finance transaction in Africa, yet
The project will be deployed in unserved communities across Nigeria
CrossBoundary Energy Access invests in grid-quality power for rural households and businesses
Engie Energy Access Nigeria is operational in Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. The company boasts of over 1.5 million customers and has impacted 8 million lives across Africa.