*©CAC: Free Gospel For You.* *©JCMF🔥Warcamp* ..
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*©CAC: Free Gospel For You.*

The Holy Ghost Leads.

Good Afternoon✨, Fellow Dear Child of God in Nigeria and all around the World

*➡️This month watch-word⬅️*
*Joshua 1:8-9*

8️⃣: This Book of the Law shall not Depart out of thy Mouth; but thou shalt Meditate therein Day and Night, that thou mayest Observe to Do According to All that is Written Therein: for then Thou shalt Make thy Way Prosperous, and then thou shalt have Good Success.

9️⃣: Have not I Commanded thee? Be Strong and of a Good Courage; be not Afraid, neither be thou Dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou Goest.

Happy weekend✨,

Happy New month✨,

Happy Independence Day✨,

✨One day with multiple manifestions and celebrations,

✨Your life This month and for ever more shall be a multiple manifestions of the glory, blessings, presence, Anointing, Joy, peace, love, faithfulness goodness of the Lord in Jesus mighty name

✨The divine Grace, mercy and Help of God to not depart from the Throne Holy bible, to mediate on it daily and do what is found therein is yours abundantly and immensely from the throne of grace in Jesus name. Amen.

I pray as you observe all that it is written therein in the bible, you shall prosper in Jesus name. Amen

✨The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless and be with you in Jesus name. Amen.

✨The Holy Spirit fills you with Life and Light this month and for ever in Jesus name. Amen.

✨To Know, Have and Grow in Christ, prayers, guidance and counselling.
http://wa.me/2348069099890 (Whatsapp)

The Lord Jesus calls you to be His warrior, Enlist as His Heaven Warrior in the kingdom of God, Luke 4:18. http://wa.me/2348118456843

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I pray the peace, mercy, love and grace of God the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with us in Jesus name. Amen.
