There are many things to consider when writing a s..
2 yrs ·Translate

There are many things to consider when writing a song. The lyrics are just one component. Consider the storyline, the singer, the listener and the lyric's purpose.

A good song has a clear beginning, middle and end. A great song should also include a hook, which is a lyric that grabs the attention of your audience.

The best lyrics are the ones that are easy to read and remember. They should also include a solid rhyme scheme. You should also have a good grasp of what the composer's intentions are.

Songtexte Kostenlose - Lyrics, Liedtexte & Übersetzungen

Songtexte Kostenlose - Lyrics, Liedtexte & Übersetzungen

Songtexte und Übersetzungen. ist eine Website, die Tausende von Deutsche und internationalen Songtexte zusammenfasst. Hier findest du deine Lieblingstexte von allen Künstlern und Musikrichtungen.