A boyfriend for Christmas 6

Continuuation of the last chapter, honest reviews goes a long way

Episode 6



It was once again 8 o'clock at night and I was watching Love Actually while eating a tub of cookie dough. I had eaten all the ice cream last night so onto the cookie dough! I was wallowing once more about my stupid boyfriend plan as well as some other things. The cookie dough was helping but the cute holiday movie was not.


I was still kind of pissed at the way the guy from earlier acted towards me. All day his face kept popping into my head, reminding me of how attractive he was but how horrible his attitude was. I had to keep reminding myself that even though he was hot he had a shit personality. Saying that only worked the first few times.


I was in the middle of sending Leah a text when my phone buzzed with a new email notification. For a split second I hoped it was another guy interested but then I remembered my boss was suppose to send me some files about a new website.


Finishing off my text I opened my emails only to pause. Right at the very top was the name Knox Mikelson. For a second I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me so I rubbed them only to see the name still there.

Severely curious and confused I pressed on the email.


To: Aubrey Lynn


From: Knox Mikelson




I think we got off on the wrong foot earlier. After some thought I'd like to hear more about this ad offer.




I re-read the email multiple times trying to wrap my head around the fact that Knox actually emailed me. No where in the email did he apologize for how he treated me though. Before I could stop myself I was replying.


To: Knox


From: Aubrey


I thought it was 'the stupidest you've ever heard'?



Earlier at the cafe he practically made fun of the idea and now here he is emailing me about it. What changed in the last 10 hours?


Three minutes passed before I got another reply.


T: Aubrey


F: Knox


That's beside the point.


Why a fake boyfriend? What is the ad exactly?

I rolled my eyes at his reply but decided to ignore the comment.


T: Knox


F: Aubrey


I need someone to pose as my fake boyfriend for my family over Christmas. Just one week and after that we part ways and I give you two grand for agreeing to it.

After hitting send I leaned back in my couch, suddenly feeling nervous. What if he did change his mind and would do this for me? I wasn't even quite sure we'd even get along. We already snapped at each other earlier. What would happen if we spent a week together?


I think a part of me really didn't expect anyone to answer the ad, and when each guy turned out to be a dud the prospects of actually having to go through with it became slimmer. Now here is a chance that maybe someone will do it and I now wasn't sure what to do.


With each passing moment of Knox not replying my nerves skyrocketed. I was picturing him sitting on the couch like me staring at his computer in deep thought. Maybe a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. His hair ruffled like he'd ran his fingers through it a lot. Wearing PJ bottoms but shirtless.


Aubrey stop it! Don't you dare start thinking stuff like that!

I instantly scolded myself. I cannot go there! First off, if he was going to say yes to my deal then it would all be fake and he'd leave in a week. And two, he was very rude when we first met so he may be hot but not a good person.

As I inwardly talked to myself like a psychopath my phone dinged.


T: Aubrey


F: Knox


IF I agree I have some conditions.


That was all it said. With raised eyebrows my fingers hovered over the keyboard. Something keen to hope flared in my chest.


T: Knox


F: Aubrey


I am free to talk about it more tomorrow. The Busy Bean cafe at 10?


If Knox was serious then we better met up and discuss everything before we leave soon. Instantly I got a reply back.


T: Aubrey


F: Knox


Works for me.


Even though the conversation was over I sat there staring at the messages. I really should have planned more for this because the idea of Knox agreeing was suddenly making my heart race. I could do this though. I could do this in order to keep the promise I Continuation of the last chapter, honest reviews goes a long waymade.



Ajala Busola

8 Blog posts

Francis Precious 1 y

Smooth article

Unyime Okon 2 yrs


Unyime Okon 2 yrs

Really interesting

Chiamaka Oniyi 2 yrs

Where is the beginning?

Adeola Oladipo 2 yrs


Ekene Mathias 2 yrs

Wow interesting

Ekwe Obedience 2 yrs

I'm enjoying the story

Ihotuowoicho Jonah 2 yrs

Nice love story line...
I would have love to start from the beginning