How to create perfect logical flow as a content creator

Report has shown that many writer write but couldn't generate enough expected traffic for their posts because readers get exhausted and While reading. If you can pay attention to this, you will create clear article with free plagiarism and readers 100% attention from start to end.

Getting ideas that needed to be communicated to readers are not the problem of mny writers, but the ability to convey the ideas from "thought world" to "real world" in a right way and carrying the readers along are what writers find difficult to do these days. Many people really want to read, but the languages and flow through which many writers put down their intentions in writing discourage the them along the way. In case you find yourself in this shoe as a writer, this article will help you navigate through that storm, and you will start giving your readers top-notch contents that will make them crave for more.


It is good to understand what Logical flow is, and that brings me to the point of defining it(Logical flow) as the "traffic green light" that connects and activates your readers' minds to discern your intention and thought in your writing, without getting confused or discouraged halfway. 

It is expedient to note that no reader wants to follow a train that has no terminal and clarity, and no one wants to read an article with a dead-end. Every reader wants an enjoyable and stress free journey to their destination.


Therefore, below are the strategies(not limited to) I will be discussing to formulate a perfect logical flow in your writing


Know Your Audience

Attach Captivating Topic

Search The Internet

Break Ideas Into Sizable Points

Avoid Diversion

Use Precise and Concise wording

Avoid Repetition

Effective Punctuation Usage

Apply Stories power strategy




One of important thing to take note as a writer is knowing who your audiences are. Some writers have made mittake of writing without knowing or having particular targeted audiences in mind before writing. The below are some important questions to ask yourself before writing any article:

Who are my audiences? 

Why am I writing? 

What medium am I using?

How am I going to get materials?

These and others are questions that need to be structured out by the writer  before jumping into writing. For example, Femals cannot be your targeted audiences and you  write as if Males were your targeted audiences. Know your sheep and try as much as possible to shot towards them.



Many contents have been killed(destroyed) from the beginning through topics, while at the same time many people have been lured into read what they would not have read in the first place through topics. As a writer, your topic should be captivating enough to draw attention of readers to consume your content. Always avoid putting topic that does not go in line with the content you are writing. I'm not encouraging you put up lie to draw traffic, because people will be so disappointed if your content does not go in line with your topic.




"No one is an ocean of knowledge" they say and that is why you need to be conscious of doing better research before writing any content. Truly, it is an idea that is being generated in your mind, but somebody somewhere must have talked on something pertaining to that, if not that particular topic. You can't give people just what you feel is good and true, but what is accepted universally.

 That's where problem of how to get materials for your content gets solved mostly.





As  a writer, your ideas must be broken-down into sizable points and be explicit enough for your audience to understand. This will also help you to cite out what you want to write on, as well as saving you time to wite quickly. Your audience time is also saved in reading and digesting what has been read. Also, do not forget to do your best in making sure that the present point is linkage to the previous one. breaking ideas can be as below:




Argument/Persuasion etc.




Any writer must avoid diversion in his/her content. Diversion/digression always brings confusion to the reader's mind and creates more havocs than usefulness to their subconscious mind. Reader always finds it difficult to articulate 2 or 3 different things at a time in a content. It's fundamentally germane for every writer to stick to plan and cause no diversion to occur for better understanding and consumption for readers.




Reader tends to like it when you write in a precise and concise manner. It's not advisable to bore people out with ambiguous wordings all in the name of sounding deep or professional. It's good to put professionalism into your writing, but not to the point of using big grammars that can make readers to lose interest along the line of reading due to lack of understanding or comprehension. Don't write lengthy sentence for easy assimilation and understanding.



Repetition of words must be taken cognizance of by every possible means. Reader tends to feel discourage and exhausted when a word keeps reappearing over and over again. It's not advisable to be using somebody's name if pronouns like him, her, etc. can be used in that sentence/paragraph.




This is an aspect most writers don't take note of, either because of flow of the writing or negligence. Always punctuate your sentences appropriately, as this gives a good shape, professionalism and understanding to your content. Questions marks, full stops, commas and others should be integrated where expected. That's why proofreading is very important in content creation.



Research has shown that one of the best ways to get audience's attention is through story telling in your content. You can get attention of your reader from the beginning to the end through the power of story and this will help you pass your ideas to their subconscious mind without any ado and even without them noticing. If there are ways you can smuggle story into your content to attract your audience attention, try as much as possible to do so use this technique.





Creating content with logical flow in your writing is very essential and germane because this helps to give your point a good and relative thought process that your audience can easily trap, and your ideas can easily be understood and appropriated when and where needed.

If you can succeed in sticking to this logical flow and integrating story telling as mentioned above,  you are on the verge of winning yourself more audiences and giving your product top-notch value that readers crave for and never resist its consumption.

Peter Akinlabi

36 Blog Beiträge

Osom Ogwu 37 w


Eyitoni Omayuku 2 Jahre


Blessing Okufunwa 2 Jahre

Beautiful write up

Eyitoni Omayuku 2 Jahre


Humphrey Arinze Chukwu 2 Jahre

Know Your Audience

Attach Captivating Topic

Search The Internet

Break Ideas Into Sizable Points

Avoid Diversion

Use Precise and Concise wording

Avoid Repetition

Effective Punctuation Usage

Apply Stories power strategy

Chukwuemeka Obiora 2 Jahre

Nice one