Profitable index that must be taken congniznace of in dealing with life.

Profitable index that must be taken congniznace of in dealing with life.

Getting things done is that everybody focuses on, but the route through which these things are done are what some have neglected. Read and digest this article and start operating from another lenses.

I read a book recently and Robert Kiyosaki was explaining what should be focused on in order to have financial liberty. That's, the amount of job you could get isn't the issue, but the process through which the jobs could be got.

Having connection with people that can help you is good, but ways through which the people could be connected to must be taking cognizance of.

Gaining access to resources can't be talked down, but the ability to sustain those resources must be put in place.

He emphasized so much on how process precedes the goals that a man runs after.


...and as I was studying too this morning, I came across a verse of scripture I have always been reading anyways.

Ecclesiastes 10vs10 

"If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct.


What majority of us have been doing is putting more strength to work.

What some  have been subscribing to is more energy to solve problems.

We don't wait on checking if there is better way of solving those problems at hand.

We approach things the same way others do.

I have been made to understand that every time somebody complements you and later add "BUT" at the end, all those complementary words have been eradicated/contradicted.

Even the same is applicable to the scripture above.

"You need to add more strength to solving problem" it says.

"You need to do all possible means to provide for daily living" it enlisted.

"You need to stand your ground" it professed.

But, it also provides a better way of doing it.

It shows us we can do better than that.

Yes, it grants you another better way of not striving.

It inscribes you can do things without copying.

"WISDOM" the answer is.

Yes, wisdom is profitable to direct.


Could it be the reason you still remain the way you are is because you haven't taken your time to apply wisdom? 

Could it be the reason you aren't making progress is because you are approaching that situation with the same mentality of "this is how it has always been done?"

Could it be that you are still small because you haven't deemed it fit to subscribe to thinking wide and out of box?

I tell you, there is better way of solving that situation at hand.

I bring to your notice that there is an opportunity to improve in that job you are about to close down.

I encourage you that you still have an advantage of curbing the situation at hand better than what you are about to do.

Yes, there is something better than what you do yet.

There is another way better than the solution that baba gave you.

You can still stand up tall without being defiled in this polluted environment.

You can still get fulfilled without defrauding men.


If only you can allow wisdom to direct you.

Ehn, wisdom is profitable to direct.

Don't accept fate, no.

Don't give up.

The tides can still be turned.

You can still provide better answers.

It's not until you do what others do.

It's not until you walk the path others walk.

There are still new paths that wisdom supplies.


Jesus, the wisdom of God.

Don't hesitate to give Him chance to help you out of that situation.

He longs to give you new insight.

He makes everything beautiful in His time.

May it not be said you fail.

May it not be said you give up.

You are helped always!


Your brother,


Peter Akinlabi

36 Blog posts

Destiny Isaac 6 w


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Profitable index

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Wisdom Nnebi 12 w

Nice one

Ayube Glory 2 yrs

Nice article

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Eyitoni Omayuku 2 yrs


Humphrey Arinze Chukwu 2 yrs

Getting things done is that everybody focuses on, but the route through which these things are done are what some have neglected. Read and digest this article and start operating from another lenses.

Chukwuemeka Obiora 2 yrs

Very good