How to Gain and retain Responsive Subscribers

All email marketers want to build a list of subscribers who read their emails and take advantage of their offers. Although this is impossible, you don't want a list consisting of freeloaders and tire kickers.

Although you can't completely control this, there are some things you can do to reduce acquiring the wrong kind of subscribers.
What sources of traffic do you have?

The source of your traffic is a crucial consideration. Rarely will cheap traffic from a source result in a list of potential customers. Avoid the urge to use "safe lists" for traffic or other similar services where you must join their list in order for them to join yours. These folks won't ever buy anything from you, not even read your emails.

Your traffic must be targeted, you must make sure. Because it is targeted, traffic coming from the Warrior Forum is probably going to result in more subscribers if your topic is making money online. It won't work out if you try to attract traffic on generic forums. Using Facebook advertisements is a smart move because you can be very particular about the target audience.

Despite the fact that practically everyone wants to increase their income, visitors from unrelated websites are more likely to be tire kickers and freebie seekers. They merely seek out knowledge. Members of the Warrior Forum are more likely to respond since they are really interested in earning money online.



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Utilize the double-opt-in confirmation feature


Another error that many email marketers commit is sending visitors to their lead magnet download page right away after they opt in. This is merely giving away your lead magnet for free because you have no means of knowing if the visitor's email address is a valid one or not.

With double opt-in, you may lose a few opt-ins, but you'll gain subscribers of a higher caliber overall. They are more likely to read your emails when you send them if they are willing to take the bother to confirm their interest. You don't want them anyway if they can't be bothered.

Get consumers more passionate about your lead magnet and email newsletter once they opt in to improve the amount of opt-ins. Send them to a website that will accomplish this. Let them know that your lead magnet and emails provide a lot of value.

Informing your subscribers up front that occasionally you may send emails with offers is a good idea. Always monitor your open and clickthrough rates. You will receive this information from your autoresponder service. Informing your subscribers of your plans will stop certain tire kickers.


Monitor Activities and Organize Your List


Examine your list's subscriber activities carefully. Get rid of your subscribers as soon as possible if they haven't opened any of your emails in a while. There could be a number of causes for a subscriber not to open your emails, including:

They no longer use the email address, dislike the email's content, are freebie hunters, and have forgotten who you are.


 Ask your customers what they want.

 A survey of your existing customers can show you which customer service channels they prefer. For example, do they want the ability to make appointments on your website for your plumbing services? Would they be happy to deal with a chatbot if they got a faster answer? Your customers’ preferences may surprise you.

Manage customer expectations.

 While you should strive to be as responsive as possible on each communication channel, you can also guide customers to the channel that will best serve them. For example, my hairdresser recently told me that a lot of people contact him via Yelp. Since he is frequently busy with clients and not able to check his phone for this type of communication, his website social media accounts alert customers that for a faster response, they should call the salon by phone.

Develop procedures.

 Set benchmarks for how quickly your team needs to respond to customer inquiries or customer service questions, and make sure everyone knows these goals. Benchmarks may vary from channel to channel; customers may expect a faster response on Twitter, for instance, then they would on email.

Princess Tony Asobinonwu

107 ब्लॉग पदों

Fola Bams 2 साल

So helpfu

Eyitoni Omayuku 2 साल


Rosella Eguru 2 साल


Idris Ibrahim 2 साल


Chukwuemeka Obiora 2 साल

Nice to hear