People Are Not Ready For The Energy Crisis - Bitcoin Magazine People are not ready for the energy crisis.

People Are Not Ready For The Energy Crisis - Bitcoin Magazine People are not ready for the energy crisis.

This is a bitcoin verbatim excerpt from Marty's Bent Issue #1256, which can be found below: "Most folks are not prepared."

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Even though the conductor is leaning on the horn as the freight train barrels down the tracks with broken brakes, relatively few people who are standing on the tracks and are in immediate danger seem to hear it. The fact that most individuals lead very comfortable lives is the root cause of their deaf ears. They don't start to hear the roaring of the wheels over the track and the booming of the steam horn until the train has already ran them over.

It would appear that another person falls prey to the speeding train each and every day that goes by. People are being made to listen and look around them, and they must come to terms with the truth that their lives are not what they used to be. This iteration of the Roaring 20s does not feature a period of economic growth and increased cultural expression. Instead, it's a decade that marks the end of the Industrial Age and the chaotic transition into the Digital Age with economic decline and cultural decay as the defining characteristics. Many people all across the world are going to have a difficult time throughout this transition, and some of them are just starting to become aware of this now.

The latter half of the Bitcoin

20th century was marked by a consolidation of power, which ultimately resulted in a fixation with central planning. Slowly but surely, decision after decision, cut by cut, the insatiable desire of central authorities to stick their fingers in every aspect of your life has led to the brute forcing of encroachments on the free market, which has given a very select group of people control over money, energy, food, healthcare, and your "civil liberties." These encroachments on the free market have been brought about as a result of the insatiable desire of central authorities to stick their fingers in every aspect of your On their mission, they have been successful in gaining control of various aspects of your life, and we are all learning quite swiftly that even though they may have their hands on the levers, they simply do not know how to operate them. This is something that we are all discovering rather rapidly.

As a result of the meteoric rise in the cost of energy over the course of the past few months, many people around the world are coming to the realization that they simply cannot afford to keep their companies running. Small businesses, many of which are fortunate to still be in operation and are still trying to pick up the pieces after being forced to shut down by the inefficient central planners, are being hit with energy bills that are more than five times what they were accustomed to paying just a few months ago. This has caused a significant burden for these businesses, many of which are still trying to pick up the pieces after being forced to shut down. If this continues for a few more months, the cities and towns we live in will eventually turn into ghost towns. Because expenses are simply too high, both small company owners and large box stores will be forced out of the market, and as a result, there will be nowhere else to go. Here is an example from the United Kingdom that emerged earlier today and spread quickly across Twitter.

There is a possibility that Callum's mother will try to keep her business open by increasing her pricing by a factor of more than five. However, this will result in chocolate croissants costing $13 and iced lattes costing $20. The only way that the typical bloak will be able to stomach those rates is if their pay is significantly increased within the next few weeks; however, it is quite unlikely that this will happen. So it would appear that, absent a decision by the lunatic leaders of the globe to quit their dick measuring contest and move forward with diplomacy and sane energy policy, industry on both ends of the spectrum is going to come to a grinding halt. People are going to be abandoned to the merciless throes of unemployment. In addition to this, things are likely to rapidly deteriorate into a hopeless state.

This is something that we have been emphasizing for the past few weeks, but one point that we haven't really focused on is how poorly unprepared the majority of people are. This crisis is beginning in Europe, but because of the highly interwoven nature of the global economy, it will eventually make its way to our shores as well. When I had this thinking, a TikTok video titled "a day in the life of a LinkedIn employee" sprang to mind. This particular TikTok was trending on Twitter about a week ago.

How many people of this particular sort are there in the world? jobs that pay you to do nothing but eat, socialize, and accomplish some menial duties every couple of hours are great for people who enjoy doing nothing but eating and socializing. surfing the central bank-driven liquidity wave that has created an easy money mirage of relative comfort and stability, blissfully unaware of the train barreling straight for them because they have the volume on their AirPodsTM turned all the way up and are searching for the most recent viral beat on TikTok. This article may be coming off as a bit rambly up to this point, but what I'm trying to get at is that there is a fuck ton of people who do not understand that their state of comfort and stability – even in its reduced form post-COVID lockdowns – is about to take a material hit. This is the point that I'm trying to get across. And what kind of anarchy is going to emerge when something like that takes place to tens or hundreds of millions of individuals around the planet in a very short amount of time? What happens when so many people are unable to collect a paycheck for an extended period of time, such as many months? What kind of primitive, animalistic, caveman garbage are we going to see being let go on the world?

Prepare yourself as well as you possibly can.

Chris Eberechi

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