Celsius Customers In Australia Try Desperately To Get Their Crypto Back

Celsius Customers In Australia Try Desperately To Get Their Crypto Back

Because Australia and cryptocurrency are rapidly becoming two of the most important industries in the world, a large number of people in that country

joined the Celsius Network early this year in the hope of generating prospective interest in their coins. As a result, it is easy to comprehend why a good many of them are displeased with what has transpired with Celsius over the course of the most recent few weeks.

Customers in Australia Who Use the Celsius Brand Are Facing Challenging Circumstances

When the cryptocurrency lending platform made the decision a few months ago to temporarily block all withdrawals, things got off to a very bumpy start. The business made an announcement stating there were no issues, and this was a prospective action that would protect the company – as well as its clients – from continuous market instability and fluctuations. At the time, cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin were seeing losses of up to 70 percent of their value, making this bear market the most severe one yet seen in the cryptocurrency sector.

But as if all of this was not awful enough, Celsius ultimately added salt to the wounds it had caused its consumers by announcing that it was in the process of filing for bankruptcy. This was done to give the company the time it needed to figure out its financial situation, and it meant that no customers could take legal action – or any other extreme measures, for that matter – to garner their funds back. The purpose of this was to give the company the time it needed to figure out its financial situation.

It would appear that a significant number of Celsius' clients were located in Australia. They have all banded together and sent a number of letters to a bankruptcy court in New York, detailing their predicaments and urging the officials there to take into consideration their circumstances and take their side in the dispute.

Cryptography critic Molly White eventually obtained a number of these letters and provided her take on the current predicament after reading them. During an interview, she made the following remarks:

The archetype of people who invest money in cryptocurrency is that they are… young, technologically competent men. However, it did not appear that this demographic represented the persons who sent in the letters. There were also a lot of folks who were quoted as stating something along the lines of "This is my life savings, my pension." I put in 10, twenty, or even thirty years of hard labor to accumulate this wealth.

People in Australia have stated that after receiving notice that they would be prevented from accessing their funds, they had seriously considered ending their own lives. This is due to the fact that a significant portion of their wealth had been hoarded by a questionable business. One of the customers, a pregnant woman, even wrote to Celsius pleading that she be given permission to make a tiny withdrawal. Celsius granted her request. In order to get executives to listen to her narrative, she went so far as to provide an ultrasound of her unborn child.

Other letters contained statements such as:

Everything has been taken away from me. What is the best way for me to explain this to my son? I am embarrassed by my behavior.

Chris Eberechi

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