Study: Netherlands Has Most Crypto Searches

The amount of cryptocurrency-related Google searches is highest in the Netherlands, as reported by CryptoManiaks. This demonstrates that a significant number of the locals have an interest in digital currency.

Recently, a survey was carried out by the cryptocurrency teaching portal CryptoManiaks. The purpose of this study is to determine a ranking of the world's 100 most populous nations based on the amount of online searches for cryptocurrency.

In the meanwhile, the site based its research on the ten cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization. In addition to this, it analyzed the total number of cryptographic keys searched for by each country.

After then, it worked out, based on the total population of the country, what percentage of the total searches were made. After that, it assigned a ranking to each nation based on this proportion.

The Netherlands came out on top, taking the number one spot with more than 1.4 million searches carried out each month. This represents 8.2% of the total population of the country.

In addition, Turkey finished in second place, and Germany came in third. Over five percent of Turkey's population, or 4,663,600 people, searched for cryptocurrency, while over five percent of Germany's population, or 4,236,800 people, did the same.

Bitcoin was the topic that generated the most interest among searchers in the Netherlands. It's interesting to note that Dogecoin came in at number two with more than 201 thousand searches each month.

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On the other hand, there were just 99,000 searches conducted on Ethereum per month. Because of this, the coin came in third place. According to this result, there were twice as many searches conducted for Dogecoin as there were for Ethereum.

A CryptoManiaks spokesman said:

"The population of a nation provided us with the ability to make accurate predictions regarding the level of interest people had in digital currency. Once again, European countries held a dominant position in the rankings. There were seven countries from Europe that made it into the top ten.

Investigations into Cryptocurrency in the United Kingdom and the United States

During this time, the spokesman mentioned that Dogecoin was currently more popular than Ethereum in a number of countries. Furthermore, compared to the previous year, there were over 2 million more monthly searches conducted for the coin all over the world.

The United Kingdom came in at position number 12 on the list. The nation had approximately 1,753,000 crypto search queries, which is equivalent to 2.6% of its total population.

During this time, Google searches for digital currencies in the country totaled over 1,310,000 times, with Bitcoin coming out on top. In addition, when compared to other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin appeared as the digital asset that was searched the most.

For instance, Bitcoin was the subject of 74% of all crypto-related searches conducted each month in the UK.

Twitter has terminated Ethereum Classic's account, and the founder of Cardano has commented on the matter.
Ethereum, the cryptocurrency with the subsequent highest search volume, is the altcoin with the largest market capitalization. It had more than 203,000 people searching for it. Over 106,000 searches were conducted on Cardano's ADA on a monthly basis.

The United States of America, to everyone's surprise, finished in 15th place. In the meantime, the United States had the highest amount of searches performed each month, with over 6,546,100 total.

Unfortunately, when taken into account with the whole population, the percentage is quite low. For instance, only 1.9% of the total population of the country conducted searches for digital currencies. In the same vein as the United Kingdom, the cryptocurrency with the highest number of searches in the United States is Bitcoin.

It has more than 4,570,000 searches conducted on it. Over 729,000 people searched for dogecoin, making it the second most popular cryptocurrency. In the meantime, the most popular alternative cryptocurrency, Ethereum, came in third place with 611,000 searches.

Ojike Stella

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