Binance CEO thinks FTX's Sam Bankman-comeback Fried's is unlikely.

Binance CEO thinks FTX's Sam Bankman-comeback Fried's is unlikely.

After the collapse of his company, the creator of FTX still harbors the hope of making a name for himself in the digital asset industry.

Even though he recognizes that it is a long shot, he is going to make a heroic effort to increase the company's liquidity.
According to Changpeng Zhao, the creator of Binance, it is unlikely that they would ever participate in the business again.

After the sad events that have followed FTX over the course of the last week, the creator of the company may be considering a return to the business; nevertheless, there is a great deal of possibility for failure in this endeavor.

Sam Bankman-Fried has been dropping indications on Twitter that he is considering the possibility of bringing FTX back from the grave. He added that one of the possibilities available to him was for him to try to acquire cash and start again with a blank slate as one of the alternatives.

He said that up until a few weeks ago, everything was running smoothly at FTX, as the company was processing more than 10 billion in transactions on a daily basis; nevertheless, excessive leverage was the cause of the company's collapse. Bankman-Fried pointed out that it resulted in customers withdrawing all of their money from the bank, and that the subsequent crash depleted the company's liquidity.

"So, what am I able to attempt to do? Bankman-Fried recommended increasing liquidity, compensating affected consumers, and beginning operations again. "Maybe I'll fail. It's possible that I won't be able to obtain anything else for the customers other what's currently there. However, all I can do is attempt it. I've had my fill of failure for the month. And a portion of me believes that I just could succeed in this."

A recent financial declaration discloses that Bankman-companies Fried's have assets that total around $17 billion, suggesting that he is not beginning his venture from scratch. However, only $8 billion of that total are considered liquid, while 5.5 billion are considered semi-liquid, and the other $3.5 billion are considered illiquid.


No room for return
The ecosystem as a whole is reacting negatively to Bankman-aspirations Fried's to make a comeback, which have been received with significant condemnation. Changpeng Zhao, the creator of Binance, is in the forefront of the debate among detractors. He believes that it is extremely unlikely that FTX CEO would ever come back to the company.

"There are mistakes made in good faith from which you may learn," Zhao remarked. "However, as soon as your credibility is destroyed, it is game over for you."

Other detractors have made direct calls for his arrest, while others have referred to his efforts to return to space as a joke and have asked for his immediate detention.

The last attempt to obtain cash by acquiring Binance was unsuccessful as a direct result of the presence of warning signs that were uncovered throughout the course of the due diligence process. The founder of Tron, Justin Sun, has made the audacious assertion that his company would strive to "resuscitate and reinstate normality for all FTX customers" as he has got into discussions with the struggling company to "initiate a road ahead."

Ojike Stella

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