Bitcoin Magazine's State of the Union

Phil Snyder is a professor as well as a video director and editor. The following is an opinion piece written by Phil Snyder.


The definition of a nation-state provided by Merriam-Webster reads as follows: "A form of political organization in which a generally homogenous population occupy a sovereign state."

Is that what people who use Bitcoin are, or are they becoming? Bitcoin users are political activists whether they like it or not. You are in direct political opposition to the existing world order if you believe in sound money and act upon that conviction by pouring financial resources, time, energy, intellect, emotion, and will into space. If you believe in sound money and act upon that belief, you are investing in space. But can we say that we have a lot in common? Yes! If we accept the idea that homogeneity, rather than being restricted to actual genetic origins, might be an abstract concept... Our undying commitment to time-tested principles like love, peace, justice, and individual liberty serves as the glue that holds our nation together. The fact that we voluntarily submit to the rule of law that is embodied in the Bitcoin protocol — a code of honor that rewards the practice of those values and punishes breaches of the contract written in that code — is what allows us to continue existing as a nation. This is what ensures our survival. Do we call the place we live a sovereign state? Again, in my opinion, the answer should be "yes" if we are talking about the general concept. Bitcoin users are considered to be independent citizens by definition. We make this declaration by rejecting the Keynesian economic model with its fiat money system, which is established in the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), which corrupts everything it comes into contact with. This allows us to take control of our own riches and destinies.

In his Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln refers to the United States as "...a new nation, formed in liberty and devoted to the doctrine that all men are created equal." This is an accurate description of who we are. When it reaches the ears of the King Georges of the globe, who declare themselves sovereign over us, this type of language becomes "fightin' words." We are revolutionary in the most literal meaning of the term, and we are at war with those who wish to subjugate us. Even if we do not engage in any kind of physical violence, the fiat elites despise both our mere existence and the mental crimes that we conduct. On January 3, 2009, we may point to the Genesis block as the day the nation was conceived and begin to trace its history. Since that time, both our physical bodies and our spiritual selves have been gestating and evolving covertly within the womb of cryptographic code, where we have been shielded from prying eyes. However, the day of birth is drawing near, and with it will come the inevitable labor pains. It would appear that we have evaded the abortionist; yet, will we give in to fear when we are faced with the challenge of giving birth while our adversaries release all of the weapons at their disposal? The promoters of ESG misinformation, the establishment of global finance, their lackeys in government, and their brutal enforcers are not going to just claim victory and let us go on our own in peace.

There are some people who are discussing the possibility of starting a political party based on Bitcoin, which may sound like a nice idea at first, but Bitcoin users are worldwide and citizens of the globe. If you continue the logical trend, you might even claim that we already have a world government, one that is not beholden to any other government with dreams of world domination. This would be the case if we had a world government that was independent of all other governments. Because "Bitcoinia" is a legitimately sovereign nation, each of us also has the opportunity to become sovereign in our own right. You could say that we have multiple forms of citizenship. I was born in the United States of America, and I also have citizenship in Bitcoinia and the Kingdom of God (a.k.a., the Kingdom of Heaven). The first is analog, the second is digital, and the third is spiritual; together, they make up a trifecta of independent allegiances.

Bitcoin is something that is brand new, one of a kind, and has the potential to alter the world for the better. This is common knowledge. I would make the same proclamation on "Bitcoinians." We are not only a completely singular nation, but also the most ethnically and culturally varied confederation of peoples in the annals of human history. There are many points on which we do not agree, including how to evangelize nocoiners, which cuss words should be used as adjectives when describing altcoin scammers, and the exact amount of privacy that we are willing to give up in exchange for institutional adoption and hyperbitcoinization. We are an unlikely collection of some of the wealthiest and most well-educated people of every race and creed, together with some of the unbanked poorest of the poor, and we all yearn to breathe the clean air of freedom and drink the pure water of our God-given liberty. We are a collection of people who want to be free to breathe the clean air of freedom and drink the pure water of our God-given liberty. We yearn to be able to direct our own lives and not be treated as chattel by a group of immoral people who have anointed themselves as our overlords.

But up until this point, who would have ever thought that there could be a decentralized government that operates without a dictator, president, or prime minister? This may seem like an impossibility even to the most idealistic libertarians' wildest dreams. But despite that, here we are. The possibilities are virtually limitless, and the "simple" act of repairing the monetary system could bring about an unimaginably beneficial change in the world. This is not to say that this miraculous protocol is a cure-all for all of the ills that exist in the world; however, it is a wonderful foundation upon which to launch until the return of Christ.

We have a lot of reasons to be upbeat and even giddy about the potential outcomes of this revolution and all the things that will be accomplished as a result of it. We are witnesses and participants in a historical turning that is unprecedented in its scope, and it holds the promise of putting an end to endless wars, boosting productivity on a global scale, and releasing the full potential for economic prosperity. How does that look when it's put into practice? Have fun watching the show, everyone!

Ojike Stella

1727 Blog posts

Francis Precious 1 y

Great job