Unbreak My Heart follows the story of Rose (Jodi Sta. Maria), a woman who is searching for her estranged husband, Mario (Richard Yap), and the daughter she abandoned years ago, Alex (Gabbi Garcia). As Rose's search unfolds, secrets and sins emerge, threatening to break the hearts that have been yearning to heal.
- Jodi Sta. Maria as Rose
- Richard Yap as Mario
- Gabbi Garcia as Alex
- Joshua Garcia as Renz
- Nikki Valdez as Kris
- Eula Valdez as Matilda
- Laurice Guillen as Lola Cora
- Sunshine Cruz as Maggie
Recap of Episode 85 (October 23, 2023)
Rose's world is shattered when she discovers that Renz, the man she has come to love, is actually her long-lost son. Meanwhile, Alex is heartbroken when she learns that Renz has been keeping this secret from her. As Rose and Alex struggle to come to terms with this revelation, Renz is consumed by guilt and regret.
- Rose confronts Renz about his true identity.
- Alex breaks down in tears after learning the truth about Renz.
- Renz is tormented by his guilt and regret.
Alphonsus Odumu 5 w
Unbreak my heart oct 23