Structure of an essay

Structure of an essay


An essay has a not quite standard structure. It should have no table of contents, no list of references, and sometimes not even a title page. It is a free genre, which can be expressed by the author as he or she wants. The only condition that determines the structure of essay writing is logic. Everything must be structured according to the laws of logic. The scheme of essay writing is almost the same regardless of the paymetodoyourhomework review size and remains the same even in a mini essay. Despite the fact that the essay has a free form, it has structural features. First of all, they are caused by the requirements of this genre:

  • All the author's thoughts should be stated in thesis statements.
  • Each thesis must be supported by arguments.

Arguments in this case are specific well-known facts, events, phenomena, objects, scientifically proven facts and the like. The author's phrase: "My grandmother told me about it" cannot be considered an argument. 

An average essay is usually small in size, starting with a statement of the problem, followed by the statement of several (usually three) theses and 2-3 arguments to these theses. It all ends with a general conclusion.

An alternative form of essay writing is also possible. The problem statement remains the same. It is followed by the first thesis and arguments in its defense. And immediately comes a mini-conclusion on this thesis:


This sequence is repeated 2 or 3 times, depending on how many theses you operate with. And in the conclusion of this essay, there may not be a general conclusion.

There is also a third option, how to write an essay essay: add an opinion of the opposite side and the justification for its fallacy. This type of essay is more thorough and serious. 

Darren Bailey

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