Anti-Glazer protests are planned by Manchester United fans ahead of their match with Chelsea.

A number of Manchester United supporters plan to stage another demonstration outside Old Trafford ahead of the team's match against Chelsea on Thursday night.

The 1958 was in charge of organizing the demonstration that took place prior to a recent Norwich City game, during which fans expressed their displeasure with the Glazer family, the club's owners for the past 17 years.

Anti-Glazer demonstrators plan to hold another rally to express their displeasure with the American family.

"Thursday, Tollgate, we march again at 7:17 p.m.," read a statement on Twitter. Banners, pyrotechnics, and flags are all that's missing! Larger and more obnoxious than before. Against the snake, we must stand together. We can mount a long-term strategy to free ourselves from this ownership if we remain peaceful and legal throughout the process.

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Before the Norwich game, tens of thousands of United supporters congregated outside Old Trafford, with some refusing to enter the stadium until the 17th minute as a protest.

Similar scenes are likely before United's match with Chelsea.

Big Royal

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Abiola Issa Mukaila 2 yrs
