Every Day's Happenings

The white shark is always hungry. No matter how much she eats, she can always eat more!!

Chapter 1

1 Wan Hu is a Chinese official having lived from as early as 2000 BCE to as late as the middle Ming dynasty in the 16th century. He was described in 20th-century sources as the world's first "astronaut" by having been lifted by rockets into outer space. He was the first in history to attempt to fly to space, the Moon, to be more specific. Four hundred years before Neil Armstrong stepped on the surface of the Moon and said the words “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, Wan Hu built a rocket and attempted to fly to the Moon. 


Despite the technological shortcoming, Wan Hu came up with the best method of transportation he could think of: a chair with a bunch of explosives attached to the back to shoot him up to the Moon. As ridiculous as that may sound, the Ming dynasty during the 16th century was the world’s leader in gunpowder technology. Ming inherited most of the Yuan and Song dynasty’s gunpowder and explosives technology and imported canons from Portugal through the trading post in Macau.


When the design and the building of the “spaceship” were complete, Wan Hu ordered his servant to light up the explosives. When the servant lit up the explosives, a large bang was heard, and Wan Hu became the first human to die in a space flight accident. The explosion was so big that it blew Wan Hu and his chair into oblivion and his servant believed that Wan Hu disappeared to the Moon.


Although Wan Hu died tragically, his dream was fulfilled by the likes of Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong almost four hundred (400) years later. In 1970, NASA recognized Wan Hu’s dreams and named one of the craters of the Moon after him, partially granting his wish to be on the Moon. Even though he died during the explosion without even a chance to enter the sky, his name is still remembered through legends as the first person to ever attempt to fly to the Moon!!

2 In Bhutan, A the Buddhist Kingdom On The Himalayas’ Eastern Edge, In South Asia, Most Of Their Buildings Are Decorated With Big And Erect Penises. They Believe That An Erect And Big Penis Keeps Away Evil People, Spirits, And Gossip!

3 The first paper banknotes on earth were used by the Chinese. They used them only for funeral ceremonies. They were burned with the body of the deceased, to ensure that he will have a safe afterlife. Later, people began to use them in everyday life!!

4 The white shark is always hungry. No matter how much she eats, she can always eat more!!

5 Every first Friday of the month, Jack Daniels employees receive a free bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey together with their paychecks!!


6 In ancient Greece, young men propose marriage by throwing apples at a lady. If she catches it, then it means she has accepted to marry the man!!


7 The raccoon is so named because before eating anything, the animal washes its food. If there is no water nearby, but it wants to eat, then the raccoon is limited to making several washing methods!


8 Gold tooth implant for a tiger that cracked its tooth. Cara, a five-year-old Bengal, was rescued from illegal captivity in Italy in 2013 and taken to a German reserve. Keepers noticed in August that Cara had somehow broken her front fang by chewing on her toys. A specialist team from Denmark created a replacement tooth made from gold, which was fitted this month. The first operation took more than two hours, experts at the rescue center said, while the second took around an hour and a half. Dentists fitted the golden crown over Cara's damaged tooth, then used special glue and UV light to lock it in place. Three weeks after the operation she has now fully adjusted to the new tooth, and is using it normally!!


9 The Male Jawfish with the mouthful of babies. Females lay the massive eggs and after fertilization, the male takes the eggs into his mouth and incubates them for days. He doesn't eat during this time as his activities are restricted to juggling the eggs in his mouth to aerate them!!


10 Rowan Atkinson Also Called Mr. Bean Scored A Brain Intelligence Quotient Of 178. He Is A Professor In Electrical Engineering And Once Seized The Controls Of An Aeroplane When The Pilot Fainted. He Later Took A Passion To Make Us Laugh For More Than Thirty (30) Years.


11 ‘Lazy Bones’ was the first television remote on earth. It was designed in 1950, usually connected to a television by a wire.


12 Hemolacria. It’s a disease that makes people cry blood!!

13 A Snail Is The Only Animal With The Longest Rest On Earth. It Can Rest At Sleep Or Take A Nap For More Than Two (2) Years Without Waking Up!!


14 Beer is the third most popular drink on Earth, after water and tea!!


15 Randy Gardner Is An American From San Diego, California. He Set The World Record For The Longest Amount Of Time A Human Has Gone On Earth Without Sleep. From December 1963 To January 1964, 17-Year-Old Gardner Stayed Awake For Eleven (11) Days And Thirty (30) Minutes!!


16 Joseph Merrick, is the real-life Elephant Man who lived in the 19th century in England. He made a living as a freak show performer. His still unexplained condition caused him to have a speech impediment and the weight of his head was so great that he couldn't sleep laying down. 


He ended up living out the rest of his life in London Hospital under the care of surgeon Frederick Treves and passed away on April 11, 1890. Merrick was found leaning over, and the official cause of death was listed as asphyxia caused by his unique condition. When he attempted to sleep this way one night when he was twenty-seven (27) years, he was discovered dead the next morning from a dislocated neck!!


17 Stoffel Is A Honeybadger In A South African Wildlife Centre. He Escaped His Yard Twice Just To Go And Fight The Lions In Their Enclosure Beside His. He Used Rocks And Sticks To Build Towers To Climb Over His Wall And Go Torment The Lions. He Ended Up In The Hospital Clinic For Two Months And After Being Released, He Escaped To Go And Fight Again. 


He Also Entered The Centre's Kitchen To Chase Their Staff And Taste The Food Over There, and Afterwards Destroyed The leftovers. He Later Went To The Guest Rooms To Tear Bedsheets, Handbags, And Pillows Just To Know What was Inside Them. When He Was Given A Female Partner To Calm Him Down, He Rather Stood On Her Head And Unlocked The Gate Twice Again To Continue The Fight He Started!!


18 A three months war between monkeys and dogs occurred in December 2021. Two monkeys have been captured by the forest department in India’s Maharashtra state for supposedly killing puppies in what villagers described as an “act of revenge”. Residents of Lavool village in the state’s Beed district say that monkeys have been killing puppies by carrying them up trees or to rooftops and dropping them to their deaths. The locals have claimed that the incidents were in retaliation after some dogs maltreated and killed an infant monkey to death. 


According to locals, more than two hundred and fifty (250) puppies have been killed by monkeys in the last three months since the ‘cycle of revenge’ began. Such incidents had been happening over the last three months. These monkeys go to the village. They take away puppies with them to the roof of houses or any other place at height. At such a height, these puppies don’t get any food or water. Hence, they died naturally many times. But sometimes they fell from a height and died. Over two hundred and fifty (250) puppies had lost their lives in the village!!


19 Marijuana is gaining popularity as complementary medicine to help with many symptoms associated with chronic illnesses. While many people are curious about how marijuana (or cannabis) may help improve their symptoms, they are also reluctant to smoke the substance. However, there are ways that medical marijuana can be administered, including in tea form. Marijuana tea's benefits are many and it is used as complementary medicine to treat several medical conditions. Rich in various minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, marijuana tea can be the perfect addition to your diet. Marijuana has been associated with pain relief for centuries. 


Researchers have found that cannabinoids in marijuana dampen pain signals by binding to the pain receptors in the central nervous system (CNS). In contrast to opiates such as morphine or codeine, cannabis is not addictive and poses no withdrawal symptoms to patients. Cannabis-infused tea is delivered to the whole of the body through the digestive system so the effects are longer lasting and more efficient than smoking. Medically, marijuana has been found to reduce inflammation associated with many autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and lupus. 


It also helps to temper the body’s immune system making it less likely to attack itself. Studies of cannabis’s effect on the brain have found that the drug has a neuroprotective effect and appears to slow down or even block the beta-amyloid protein build-ups associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Many chronic illnesses present symptoms that affect the gastrointestinal system. Cannabis has been found to improve digestion and relieve symptoms such as cramping, stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, and acid reflux. While smoking cannabis may produce mind-altering effects that most people are wary of, drinking cannabis tea can help with stabilizing mood and helping to relieve emotional symptoms associated with chronic illnesses such as depression and anxiety.


To make the tea, the first thing you need to do is bring the water to a boil. Then, add marijuana directly to the water. Let it simmer for about fifteen (15) minutes. You will have to remove the marijuana leaves by sieving them and leaving the tea. Now you can pour the tea into a sterilized and sealed container. Drink it with little sugar or milk or no sugar or milk at all!!

20 The Most Stubborn, Wicked, And Fearless Creature On Earth Is The Honeybadger. It Catches Poisonous Snakes Alive And Eats Them. It Eats Porcupines, Raids Beehives For Honey, Kidnaps Baby Cheetahs, And Eats Them. The Honeybadger Also Steals And Seizes Food From Hungry Tigers And Lions. It Wakes Up a Few Hours After A Minor Death Or When it Collapses. Every Animal Becomes Mute And Humble, Whenever It's Around!!


Apart From Being The Most Ruthless, Stubborn, And Bravest Creature On Earth, The Honeybadger Has Another Interesting Nature And Lifestyle Very Different From All Animals On Earth. When Animals Like, Tigers, Cheetahs, Lions, And The Rest Are Going For Hunting, Some Leave Their Babies In The Care Of The Honeybadger. Sometimes It Meets Those Babies Without Parents And Secures Them. It Makes Sure The Babies Are Protected And Safe Till Their Parents Arrive Back. There Are Terms And Conditions To His Security. You Need To Pay It For Taking Care Of Your Kids. The Parents Must Make Sure They Come Home With Meat, Else There's Trouble. 


Now The Main Issue Here Is That, If Any Parent Comes Back Home Empty-Handed, The Honeybadger Calmly Or Forcefully Takes Some Of The Kids As Compensation And Goes To Eat Them. If The Parent Is Lucky To Bring Meat Home, The Honeybadger Gets Its Share Of The Meat And Leaves Your Kids For You Peacefully. You Wasted Its Time To Hunt For Food By Bringing Your Kids To Be Catered For So You Must Show Appreciation. This Is By Sharing The Meat You Got From Your Hunt Or By Giving Some Of Your Kids As Meat To Payback. It Doesn't Accept Negotiations And It Brings The Orders On Board Without Any Objection. Object And It'll Torment And Destroy All Your Babies. 


It Takes Delight In Raiding Homes Of Bees And Getting Their Honey. Chases And Fights Pythons And Eventually Eats Them. It Will Come And Help You Kill An Animal Or Win A Fight, Then Seize The Animal From You. If You Try To Fight Back, It’ll Beat You Or Even Kill You. In The Case Of Snake Bites, It Collapses, Wakes Up Moments Later On Its Own, And Continues The Fight With A Much Terrible Energy. They Hardly Hunt In Groups Because Just A Single Honeybadger Can Destroy An Entire Family. It Can Spend The Whole Day, Just Fighting And Tormenting Your Family. You'll Know No Peace Till It Gets What It Wants. When It's Tired of Fighting, It Goes To Rest And Comes Back Alone Or With A-Team. That Team Is The End Of Your Life. A True King Of The Animal World. The Only Creature Whose Nature Is Never To Give Up!!


21 Bruce Lee was a Hong Kong and American martial artist, martial arts instructor, actor, director, screenwriter, producer, and philosopher. Born on November 27, 1940, and died on July 20, 1973, Bruce Lee could perform one-hand push-ups using his thumb finger and index finger. He can also perform fifty (50) reps of one-arm chin-ups. He can also throw a single grain of rice in the air and catch it with chopsticks!!!


22 Judges immediately break the nib of a pen used to pass a death sentence. The nib of the pen used to pass judgment is broken so that the judge may not think of reviewing or changing his judgment. The practice is symbolic of a belief that a pen that is used to take away a person's life should not be used ever again for other purposes in life!


23 When you take a closer look at your life, you’ll realize that almost all of the problems you’re facing are mental or spiritual. All other things that crop you in life are temporal and something that doesn’t last. How you use your brain to think and what you think about, plays a major role in your life. There are a lot of things you don’t even need to think much or worry about. You only have to face them with a plan and start acting on it. The more you keep doing that, the more you understand life and become free from most problems. Whatever you keep focusing your mind and attention, on becomes a habit of you. If it’s something good or positive, you become used to it and it benefits you the more. If it’s something evil, you also become used to it, and then it gives you an effect and pain. 


When you keep doing what’s bad, it changes in a form of good to you thinking you’re doing the right thing. You’ll keep walking on that terrible lane, causing harm to people but in your mind, you’ll think it’s something positive. That doesn’t mean what you’re doing is good because the natural state of what you’re doing is bad. That’s why people laugh when others are in pain. It’s all about the mindset and the evil that they see good. What you always feed your brain and through your eyes, becomes a part of your human nature. At a point in time when you’ll realize you’ve wasted your youth, that’s also where you have no energy more to even work and be successful. Meaning you’ve become a useless creature. That’s where that man in that church who calls himself a pastor will start exploiting you and making lavish livings from you. 


Most of you people spend much time on things that won’t benefit you, more than what you’re rather supposed to do in life to prosper. Most of you people think about things that will serve no importance to you, but rather waste your time and mental energy which you’ll need to create positivity in life. There are more good things on earth than bad ones. Almost seventy (70) percent of the earth’s contents are good and almost thirty (30) percent of the things on earth are bad. The reason the wealthy and successful in life keep getting wealthy and successful from generation to generation is that they focused on the good chances available and they capitalize on them to make wealth. There are a lot of people who focus on the bad and useless things in life so the few that focus on the large percentage of good things, get it in abundance and good quantities. It’s a fact that even here on social media, people are more interested in the negativity and affairs of other people which doesn’t concern them and won’t add value to their lives. 


What happened in someone’s relationship, who had sexual affairs with the other, problems people are having in their marriages, who is fighting who on social media, who broke who’s heart, who divorced who, what’s going on at the weddings grounds of someone, where the latest hookup joint and the party is, where the latest hot girl in town is and her account to follow and see more nasty things, where the latest drinking party will be over the weekend, what and what to mix so you drink and become high and drunk for long hours, who impregnated who and who the real parents of someone are, joining stupid groups and affiliates and seeing foolishness as fun has eaten deep into most people and they can’t stay a day without things like that. Those that try to be in their circle and focus on their life devoid of all that wasteful things here, and always protecting their circle and sanity are rather seen as too knowing and arrogant and they’re being attacked every day. Then later these same people who didn’t mind their business and always sought the downfall of others will try to motivate somebody if the person faces depression or wants to end his or her life. Stupidity and hypocrisy have become the order of the day for most of you people. 


We’ve swayed very far from the good ways of life we need to live to live a good legacy for our children and others who’ll follow. Our spiritual lives and soul energies are in shambles so the least attack elsewhere gets to us and destroys us forever. The human physical body has no control over the spiritual state of the body. The soul and inner energy are what contain the physical body. When the soul in you dies and your inner energy evaporates, the body becomes dead and useless. It thereby needs to rot. What will contain the body to be able to stand life and fight ahead, is the inner energy and soul. 


When you leave the inner energy and soul attended to and unrepaired, it becomes a disaster to the body and whatever physical thing the body wants to engage in, won’t be positive. It’s a simple rule of nature and that’s why I always say that if you don’t want to follow those principles, then you need to go to a different world by dying or live your entire life in misery. Everything we need is at our disposal. We only have to see their importance and make good use of them that’s all. The wise don’t speak in plain words, he speaks in parables. “You can’t tell an old lady to close her legs, because you don’t know her source of fresh air, but you can at least tell her not to open her legs, because of stubborn flies”!


24 When a toothless baby dies in Indonesia, it is buried inside a tree near the village. A sufficiently large hole is made and the child is placed inside in a fetal position wrapped in cloth. The hole is sealed with bamboo logs. It is common for multiple children to be buried in the same tree. It is also customary to leave offerings in the niches. The corpses are thus absorbed by the tree itself. For them, this is a great honor and a way to turn death into life and also make trees possess spiritual powers!!


25 A tiger's tongue is so rough that just a few licks could draw blood from your hand!


26 An anklet on the right ankle could mean that you are single and searching. If, however, a married person wears an anklet on their right foot, the message being conveyed is that they are open to having extramarital affairs. When someone wears an anklet on their right foot, it means they are single and have no lover. It should be noted here that if a married person puts it on their right foot, it means that they are looking to have an affair. Wearing an anklet on your left ankle will tell people that you’re single and totally down to mingle. 


However, wearing specific types of anklets can tell interested parties even more about you. Wearing an anklet with heart charms on your left ankle can tell people that you’re interested in dating and maybe not so interested in an immediate intimate relationship. Be cautious, though, because sometimes people will take this to mean that you are married and interested in an open relationship. Additionally, a woman wearing an anklet on the left ankle may also be taken to mean that she is interested in a relationship with other women. This can also mean that you’re interested in a casual relationship, an open relationship, or a relationship with another widow.


In spirituality, it’s believed that an ankle bracelet worn on the left foot is a charm or talisman. Such anklets were used as amulets to protect the wearer from diseases and bad omens. They were used as a form of protection. Anklets are worn on the left ankle also means you’re a great spiritualist, open and ready for any form of spiritual challenge or soul fight. It also sends a message that the one wearing it is proud to be very fortified and strong to fight any form of the spiritual attack sent to them!

Chapter 2

27 A human body can bear only up to forty-five (45) del (units) of pain. Yet at the time of giving birth, a mother feels up to fifty-seven (57) del (unit) of pain. This pain is similar to twenty (20) human bones getting fractured at a time!

28 The Most Stubborn, Wicked, And Fearless Creature On Earth Is The Honeybadger. It Catches Poisonous Snakes Alive And Eats Them. It Eats Porcupines, Raids Beehives For Honey, Kidnaps Baby Cheetahs, And Eats Them. The Honeybadger Also Steals And Seizes Food From Hungry Tigers And Lions. It Wakes Up a Few Hours After A Minor Death Or When it Collapses. Every Animal Becomes Mute And Humble, Whenever It's Around!!


29 Every year, there is a five (5) day festival of lights in Nepal where people thank all the dogs for their loyalty and friendship!!


30 Almost All Koreans Don't Have The Gene (ABCC 11) And Hormones That Cause Bad And Smelly Armpits. It's Because, Of This That, It's Almost Impossible To Find Stores In Korea That Sells Deodorants!!


31 Most times I see people wear rings on their middle finger. Some, I ask them and they claim it’s just for fun. You’re wearing a ring on your finger just for fun when that finger has a purpose and a message it gives any time there’s a ring in it? When that ring can be made powerful for your life journey and success? Wow. The location of this finger says a lot about what it symbolizes in spirituality.


It lies in the middle of the hand and has spiritual significance in the areas of balance, law, justice, responsibility, and challenge. It is, however, agreed that wearing a ring on this finger shows that you have spiritual powers and also a responsibility. If you’re going through a spiritual journey or perhaps soul-searching, then you can wear your ring on the middle finger. 


Anybody who is a spiritualist or an occultist can also look into your soul and fight you because the ring on the middle finger shows you’re spiritually strong and hard and anybody who has powers should also come for a challenge. So imagine you’re not an occultist or a deep spiritualist too, then it means your soul will be harmed or taken away. Next time you wear a ring, consider what message you want to communicate to yourself and others before putting it on. 


We all need external reminders about the things that we experience, even on a spiritual level. Why wear a ring just for fun when you can enchant it to give you spiritual benefits in life? You can wear your ring on whatever finger you want, apart from the middle finger. No matter what, don’t wear a ring on your middle finger. We’re taking most things for fun with no sense and we’re paying dearly for it. Let’s be cautious!


32 After first, Nokia was making gun bullets before it became a mobile phone company!!


33 In 2001, actor Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) had a dream in which he had a brain tumor. The dream was so vivid that he went to see the doctor. The doctor ordered an MRI and discovered that Ruffalo had a benign brain tumor that needed to be removed. Surgery was performed on him and he got back to normal!!


34 South Koreans, according to official data, have the highest level of intelligence among the entire population on Earth!!


35 By the age of eighteen (18) years, the average American child has seen over two hundred thousand (200,000) murders or killings on television!!


36 On 21st May 1981 World Prophet And Renowned Musician "Bob Marley" Received A Jamaican State Burial And Global Sorrow. May He Rest Well!!


37 Relationships and Spirituality. Not every relationship problem is physical and not every relationship problem is spiritual. The moment you agreed to stay with someone’s son or daughter till eternity whether good or bad, then you must be able to fight and withstand whatever principalities that comes with it. Terrible habits, bad home training, ancestral traces of spirituality, family stool rituals, previous disappointments, curses, and tokens of promises are all factors that enter marriages when two families decide to connect.


There was a time when your partner was all good and had everything you wish in him for your comfort and happiness in your relationship or marriage. After some time, things started getting worse. It may be because of physical and mental changes in the person or spiritual changes. The physical change is where maybe by nature, such a partner is no more interested in you by appearance or looks or by emotional and sexual terms. How you appear now in physical and affection or sexual terms to the person has changed due to maybe the interest of the person.


There are people that by nature, feel to be with different people and seek varieties either sexually or emotionally ways and also financially. Have you checked your character and what you stopped doing some time ago? Is that also a factor? Did you ask your partner what you did wrong that’s constituting such changes in your marriage or relationship? What do they want that you ain’t giving to them? Why can’t they open up to you so you become aware of these challenges and how to clear them? 


The spiritual part of such relationship or marriage problems may be because of your partner’s spiritual lifestyle and past interactions. The human soul is a great factor in relationships or marriages. What you feel for someone is the greater part of the spice that binds people together. All other hints such as money, sex, time, attention, emotion, and care, also rely on the human soul and spirit or what it’s called the inward factor. Your partner used to be a sex worker and as such, has interacted with different males or females of different spiritual backgrounds and purposes. Having sexual affairs with spiritualists and or occultists disturbs your soul and spiritual state in a relationship. 


Have you or your partner ever made a deep promise to someone about dating or marriage some time ago and later you ended that relationship thinking that it’s normal? What if that partner took that vow seriously and decided to work on it spiritually to maintain whatever promise you gave to him or her? How about their parents? Have you ever promised them of marrying their son or daughter and you later decided not to again? Have you also treated your past relationship partner in such a very good way that they wished you stay forever with them? Have you ever treated someone so terrible in a relationship that you caused them deep pain and they also decided not to set you free so no matter what and whoever you stay within a relationship, things won’t be okay and the relationship will keep crumbling?


Have you ever taken a moment to find out into your soul and spiritual life to check what’s wrong? Ever consulted a pastor or spiritualist? What kind of counseling and process did they pass you through? There are most places that you go seeking solutions to your problems and then you come back home with more problems. The spiritual oil, soap, and creams you see on social media that you buy from acclaimed spiritualists, do you know if your soul or spirit likes such products or you’re just using them thinking you’re solving your spiritual problems? Do you think using such things will change the mental state of your partner and make things go in the relationship or the marriage the way you want it? What price do you have to pay in return for buying that product from that spiritualist and using it?

Don’t be having sex with anybody anyhow. Don’t be making promises to people anyhow. Don’t be taking spiritual threats from people for granted. Don’t just be buying anything from anybody who calls himself or herself a spiritualist and be using it without knowing the kind of force and spirit that person is using for their business and spiritual journey. It’s not anything that you must say to people or not anywhere that you must go, drink, smoke or party. 


Per my experience in spiritual and soul interactions with people, a lot goes on in the lives of people spiritually that they aren’t aware of till I bring it to their notice. That pastor or spiritualist is just doing his business and as such, will sell any products to you thinking they’ll solve your problems also. If your problems are physical, then you know the best technician to resort to. If your problems are spiritual, then find the ancestral way and try to know what your soul is disturbed about and what’s causing whatever setbacks in your life and relations, and what path to take to please your spirit or soul and walk on that path.


You deserve peace, stability, love, care, happiness, and all the positive energies in life. All these depend on you and the kind of choices you make coupled with sensible or foolish plans. Marriages or relationships are meant to bring people together for a good and a happy cause, not to cripple people into pain and abject suffering. Find out whatever is disturbing your business, plans, relationship, mind, love life, and any other thing you seek and wished for. You may think the world, nature, and the ancestors are against you but it’s not like that at all. Everything lies in your willpower both physically and spiritually. Don’t also forget that when two souls from different family stools and backgrounds don’t meet or disagree, then there’ll always be a fire on the mountain. What can you do to join them? Find that gifted soul worker and ask what you please. Find your path and walk on it and please your soul in your life activities. If you think you can live life anyhow uselessly, life will also treat you anyhow uselessly!!


38 The bristles of a toothbrush wear out in about six (6) to sixteen (16) weeks and no longer effectively remove plaque and other food residues from the teeth. It is very recommended to change the brush at least once every three (3) months!


39 If you eat too many carrots in a day for many years, your skin will turn orange. This condition is known as carotenemia!!


40 No One Can Determine The Sources Of Dreams. Almost All Dreams Have Meanings And They Show Revelations About The Past Or Future. You Must Write Down All Your Dreams Immediately after You Wake Up So You Don't Forget. Performing Moon Ritual Baths Also Opens The Portal Of The Human Soul To Expose The Future In Dreams When You Sleep. These Are Herbal Remedies Which Will Make You Have A Remembrance Of Dreams Too. Awaken Your Soul And Know Your Path In Life. Larry Page Had The Idea Of Inventing Google In His Sleep!!


41 No matter your problem, there’s a solution. There are special people on earth and that’s a fact. People are born naturally with the odds and favor on their part and there’s nothing you can do about it. The only and best thing to do is to talk to them about whatever is worrying you in life. Angels can be human too and as such, they are all among you people. Whether physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, or sexual problems, some people help you and won’t even demand anything in return. It happens always and you just have to connect to the right people by being observant and checking the signs. It doesn’t matter what the person says behind you or about you later. What matters is that you’ve gotten the help you need to benefit yourself in life.


One thing that makes people more special is spirituality. The gift of connecting to nature, spirits, dwarfs, gods, witches, and ancestors and the free will to speak to them on behalf of humans and find solutions to issues. That’s why it’s not a good thing at all to be cursing people. You may be harming yourself and your family because you don’t know the kind of spirit they carry. There are people that until you know the force and energy they carry, you can’t break their spiritual walls and penetrate to destroy them. Finding their energy source too is not something to be taken as a joke and it’s hectic.

Anybody who takes delight in cursing people never has a stable and peaceful life. The moment you start invoking spirits from rivers and stools, know that there’s returning energy that will bounce to you. How spiritually protected or favored the person is, will determine if the curse will work or not. If the curse works, you need to make a sacrifice of thanksgiving to whatever deity you included in the curse. If you don’t, then you will get a piece of the energy that deity is using to attack the person you cursed. Those spirits will start seeking their come of appreciation and that’s where they’ll start distorting your life and every plan in life to be successful. Have you seen that there’s no actual benefit in cursing someone? It’s entirely useless and non-beneficial.


Taking what’s yours or what you deserve from something by using the spiritual path is different from cursing. For that, you need to explain whatever happened between you and that partner to a spiritualist and make your wishes known. Don’t go cursing someone and add demands to it. They’re two things altogether and none of them will work out for you. Try to fight for yours as long as you can and if possible, leave it and work on your favor, luck, and protection in life so that the odds in your lifestyle will work for you. That makes you enjoy life the best. 


Lastly, never joke with threats of people. Spiritual threats are things we shouldn’t take for granted at all. It doesn’t matter if you’re spiritually protected and strong, just know how to step on the toes of people, especially ladies you made promises to and later ignored and in turn treated badly. Spiritual attacks work a lot and in many diverse ways. If it passes from you, it’s going to the next person you have closer to you in life or a bloodline. There are a lot of sick people in hospitals who demand prayers or rituals not necessarily physical drugs. Try to read and learn about everything so that you’ll know when to give to Caesar and when to give to Humans. Don’t joke with your spiritual life and don’t ignore signs you see in dreams and revelations too. Most of them manifest. The world evolves on spirituality more than any other thing. When your soul in your body becomes disturbed due to some factors and decides to leave you, you’re gone. Protect and secure it. Be guided!!


42 It cost the company zero dollars ($0) to create the Coca-Cola logo. The logo was created by their accountant!!


43 Humans lose about 20 kg of skin in their lifetime. 

It is already a proven fact by scientists that the average person loses about 20 kg of skin in their lifetime, completely replacing the top layer of skin every month!!


44 Avatar is the first movie on earth to profit over two (2) billion dollars!!


45 Penguins are the only birds that can not only stand upright but also walks in that position like humans!


46 A mockingbird can imitate almost every sound of everything and every animal on earth!!


47 The nail on the middle finger grows faster than on all the others!!

Chukwuemeka Obiora

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