I emerged from the police headquarters cheesed off on account of how the cops were dealing with Mike like an upscaled criminal.

I emerged from the police headquarters cheesed off on account of how the cops were dealing with Mike like an upscaled criminal.


I cried sharply and I didn't completely accept that Mike will go through such misery sometime in the not-so-distant future.


Regardless of whether he fails miserably in the possession of these unfeeling cops, I realize I have cleared the feelings of resentment I bore against him - Ken also has done that. "I soliloquized generously".


Individuals were viewing me conversing with myself like they thought I was ma.d as a cut snake.


A few collapsed their hands like supporters whose countenances were loaded up with criticism and joke.


I didn't slobber at them as I soliloquized.


 "What had befallen this woman? How could a wonderful polite her be frantic early in life?" One lady presently said


I didn't descry at her, I rather put my eyes to the ground and got a handle on all that she had murmured.


Luckily, I saw Frank a person who liked me during our days in Secondary school.


He was tall, and fair with new whiskers that are truly longer than that of Osama Bin laden - a fear-based oppressor who carried out mass homicide in the USA on September 11, 2001.


I was very overflowing when I saw him and he suggested that we ought to go eat in a restaurant close to our locale.


Surely, I acknowledged his proposal as I was very ravenous and required something to eat.


We made a beeline for the diner with his showy vehicle. A forced-air system was in his vehicle and I truly appreciated it since I was being warmed by the blistering sun.


We got to the diner and two spots of seared rice with chicken were served.


"Is it true that you are hitched, Mizuno? "Blunt requested as he ate some quality rice


"Indeed I'm hitched and my better half is doing entirely well" I answered


Congrats dear, I believed you're not hitched at this point "Blunt expressed looking at me"


I wedded quite a while back and we're living joyfully "I mumbled".


That is perfect to hear. I'll be going now dear! I've to take care of a circumstance that needs my outright consideration. "Straight to the point said as he stood up and left the restaurant"


I completed my place of broiled rice briskly because It was too yummy to possibly be left incomplete.


Emerging from the eatery, I saw Ruth" Frank's more youthful sister. We embraced each other personally.


How're you, Ruth? "I inquired"


I'm fine my sister, It has been some time "she answered".


Indeed, dear, I was with Frank your senior sibling a few minutes prior. He is presently extremely attractive and completely grown."I said in energy"


Ruth murmured in misery and presently mumbled:


"Straight to the point díed in a repulsive engine mishap quite a while back"


What? "I thundered tentatively" as Goosebumps topped off my skin and my heart began pounding in my chest.


The end .....


For those of you who read of my story without dropping a remark, *MAY YOUR PARTNER BREAK YOUR HEART ????* *(Amen)*


Next story is titled:

Chukwuemeka Obiora

192 Blog posts

Eyitoni Omayuku 2 yrs
