After this, they accumulated the eight ladies and took them to Okakamuo's sanctum, albeit the excursion to his holy place took them numerous hrs before they arrived through the assistance of senior Nwakor's significant other companion, that time it was evening they arrived,

After this, they accumulated the eight ladies and took them to Okakamuo's sanctum, albeit the excursion to his holy place took them numerous hrs before they arrived through the assistance of senior Nwakor's significant other companion, that time it was evening they arrived, however Okakamuo advised them to stand by till dusks before he can begin to sustain the ladies, since, in such a case that he didn't brace them, they will all bite the dust immediatly they will get to the woods, yet with the stronghold, it will go quite far for them.


So they all keep on holding up as Okakamuo taught, at last it was night

Okakamuo : Now! The fortress begins..... On the whole, I want to believe that you ladies know the excursion you are going to go, the FOREST OF DOOM where nobody proceeds to come out alive, yet with this stronghold and furthermore assuming you adhere to my directions, you will all return bursting at the seams with the secret crown, I really want to believe that you are prepared for this?

Ladies : Yes extraordinary one, we are prepared (they choroused)

Okakamuo : great! Furthermore, another thing, on the off chance that any of you realize that you are not a virgin shouldn't pertake in this excursion, the individual ought to move to one side, in light of the fact that after this stronghold, it will be extremely unsafe for that individual, there's actually time for the individual to retreat (he cautioned, however obscure to oge that he was really alluding to her)

Senior okoli : in the event that any of you realize that you are not a virgin ought to come out now oooo, before is past the point of no return, don't say they didn't caution you

Oge : I can never pull out, I should pertake in this excursion, since I need to bring the secret crown and become the sovereign of ekeama realm, I have come this far and pressing forward is the only option (she contemplated internally)

Senior odogwu : Non of them need to emerge, and that implies they are virgins, satisfy extraordinary one proceed (he said and Okakamuo moaned before he proceed)

Okakamuo : all things considered, since non of you emerged, and that implies you are virgins I accept, presently let the stronghold proceed...... However, before that, endlessly listen generally excellent, the excursion you are going to set out is certainly not a conventional excursion yet a dangerous one, The FOREST OF DOOM you are going to go is a timberland of quiet and murmuring, there's a spot you get to the woods, they don't talk clearly yet murmur, and there's a position of quiet where they don't talk by any means, on the off chance that you talk where you don't assume to talk, you are on your own gamble (he cautioned and the ladies heart skipped)

Ifeoma : yet incredible one, how can we go to know where we don't assume to talk? (She asked and the others gestured in consent to her inquiry)

Okakamuo : you will know when you arrive, simply be cautious in the backwoods, if you need to come out alive, here are the directions you need to follow

1. At the point when you get to the timberland, not all that you see that you will eat, there are great and terrible natural product in the backwoods, or better actually don't eat anything there by any stretch of the imagination, after all you have your food and water with you

2. Be cautious in what you do in light of the fact that there are numerous underhanded soul in that timberland who can change to anything just to trick you, simply disregard them and turn out well for you, don't be diverted by what they say or what they do, center around your excursion, likewise recollect that woodland is a position of quiet and murmuring, assuming that you talk where you shouldn't talk, you are all alone, have expressed it previously, and am as yet saying it once more, so becareful

3. The woods is additionally brimming with savages which feed on human tissue, when you see any of this barbarians or detestable soul, utilize the staff that am going to give you (he stopped)

Ifeoma : yet extraordinary diviner, how can we go to utilize the staff?

Okakamuo : Hmmm..... You will hit it on the ground 3x




The story just started✍️✍️✍️

Chukwuemeka Obiora

192 Blog posts

Emeka Ogbu 2 yrs
