Tochi : satisfy extraordinary soothsayer, the barbarians you are discussing, is it should that we will go over them? (She asked in light of the fact that she was terrified and similarly the others)

Okakamuo : Hmmm..... You will hit on the ground 3x

Tochi : satisfy extraordinary soothsayer, the barbarians you are discussing, is it should that we will go over them? (She asked in light of the fact that she was terrified and similarly the others)

Okakamuo : As far as FOREST OF DOOM is concerned, you can go over anything, however as long as you adhere to my directions, no damage will come to you, and you will all return home securely with the secret crown. also, 4, which is the last, Always be perceptive and watchful which is vital, ensure you adhere to every one of my directions, to return alive, I want to believe that all of you comprehend what I said?

Ladies : yes! Extraordinary diviner, we get it and we will do as you trained (they generally said)

Okakamuo : Good! Chika!! (He called with a noisy voice)

Chika : yes incredible one

Okakamuo : you will be the head of this pursuit, you will lead them generally through the excursion, and concerning you individuals, you ought to pay attention to whatever chika lets you know in the woodland since she is your chief, and furthermore remember to utilize the staff am going to give you since that staff is your security and it will safeguard you from all risk, I rehash remember to involve the staff in the timberland on the grounds that is fundamental (he expressed and after that he gave them staff each and sustained them)

Ladies : Thank you extraordinary one, we vow to notice to your directions

Obiageli : however extraordinary one! You gave us guidelines and furthermore sustained us, yet you never let us know where we can get the secret crown, yes I realize that we will get it in the backwoods, however where precisely would we say we will see the secret crown? (She asked and Okakamuo grinned interestingly)

Okakamuo : may shrewdness never withdraw from you, yes that is a decent inquiry, I was anticipating that, however non of you had the option to ask me, aside from obiageli who just asked now, well you can see the secret crown in the spot of destruction, that spot is a position of all out quiet, before you will see the crown, you will cross a stream, a dangerous stream so far as that is concerned, when you see the stream, you will cross it, yet before you cross it, you will raise a ruckus around town on the stream 3x before you can cross it, yet assuming you neglect to do as such, you are on your own gamble, after you cross the stream, you will walk little and you will see a dark enclosure, that enclosure is otherwise called enclosure of destruction, that is where the secret crown is, and if you don't watch out, you will meet your destruction there, so in this manner, all of you ought to be cautious ( he cautioned once more)

Amuche : we will do as you said extraordinary one (she said and the others gestured in understanding, they all go through the night there)


The following day morning, Okakamuo and the elderly folks lead the ladies to the entry of the woods)

Senior otunno : go well the incredible ladies of our property

Senior okoli : all of you will proceed to return securely with the secret crown

Senior odogwu : iseeeeee........ (Leave it alone so)

Ifeoma : (with nearly tears) father I will miss you and mom, satisfy you individuals ought to deal with yourselves

Senior Nwakor : (tragically) I will my little girl and I will miss you as well (he said and embraced her)

Okakamuo : Go well ladies of ekeama realm, may the divine beings lead you through and carry you securely with the secret crown

Older folks : Iseeeeee.......

Okakamuo : you can now go, your process starts, I wish you best of luck (he said and he and the elderly folks went to leave, while the ladies entered the timberland, yet quickly they step their foot in the woodland, an obscure bolt which nobody could see hit oge on her chest and she tumbled down and passed on right away, while different ladies shouted with dread when they saw this, the elderly folks who turned around and saw this needed to surged there to realize what happened to oge, however Okakamuo halted them)

Okakamuo : (conversing with the elderly folks) assuming you go there, you will pass on

Senior okoli : (confusedly) But why extraordinary one, and what truly occurred? What killed oge?


Chukwuemeka Obiora

192 Blog posts

Eyitoni Omayuku 2 yrs
