😂😂😂laugh with sane selzeyy ✌️✌️

1. During harmattan seasons,when u shake hands with some people u start wondering whether they walk wit their palm🤣🤣😃😅😅😀😂😂😅😅😀

2 A girl will wear Pad, wear Pant, wear Tight, add Jean trouser nd stil Cross Legs... Sister how Air wan tak enter de CPU😒

3. If you haven't seen your period yet , don't worry 🙃, it could be network problem 😌😌😌😂.

4. Girls that liked us in Secondary School were the realest 😪. No car, No career🙃. Just Ironed Uniform, football Skills and Coconut head 😑🤣🤣🤣.

5. I brought my Bicycle to repair de chain nd de guy is telling me dat de Radiator has stop..🙆🏿‍♂️Lazy youth

6. Am not too good in cooking but at least I know kettle is used for fraying meat😒😒

7. When phamotee spoil something
my mom *shouts at me*
When my mom spoils something
Her: *this thing is fake*😐

8. If you're ugly, you're ugly!! There's nothing like inner beauty. Have you seen short people walking around saying they have inner height?

9. That moment your teacher is letting know that*
*he/she won’t be available tomorrow*
*And you be like :No why ma?*
*But inside your heart you are busy celebrating like nobody’s business*🤣🤣😃😅😅😀😂😂😅😅😀

10. I just finished eating shawama and want to trow the rap away
But non of my neighbor is close to the waste basket
Me troway this thing, I will wait till tomorrow they must see this nylon🤣🤣😃😅😅😀😂😂😅😅😀

11. This people that keeps asking can u exchange me for 1million naira,can u slap me for 10million naira, they don't even know that with the present situation of nigeria now, i can exchange them with bread and

12..Wedding ring 💍 is the smallest handcuff ever made so think deep, choose your prison mate carefully and sentence yourself wisely to avoid prison break 😄 😄😄😄

I just say make i update you small

13. Those girls doing shakara with ordinary two breast, Dog that has 8