How to Find the Perfect Life Coach

Coaching is a powerful method of achieving the next level in all areas of life---including physical health, mental/emotional health, spiritual development, career/business, family relationships and romantic relationships.

 Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are investing in themselves with coaching/healing services. The investment is sometimes worth 10 times the original investment.

If you want to make the most of life, cut down the time it takes to get to the next level and experience reaching your dreams and beyond---then you need a coach. And as the coaching market grows, more people like you are realizing this is a powerful strategy. However, the current influx of coaches will threaten the quality of coaching you may receive as there are people with upside down value systems getting into coaching for the wrong reason (to make some quick cash). So it goes without saying that you have to be selective when hiring a life coach. Use the following questions to help you find the perfect coach, healer or mentor (whether you’re looking for an educational program, in-person program or retreat/event)...


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What is your track record of success?

Some coaches may be just starting out and don’t have much experience. If you hire someone like this, prepare to be a guinea pig. This isn’t necessarily bad---that is, if you’re ok with it. Just realize there’s a spectrum here. And if you want to truly accelerate your results in any area of your life, you’ll want to look for clues that your prospective life coach has a solid track record. He or she should have at least some success and should be dedicated to this field as a way to make a positive impact and serve fellow humans.

Do you have experience in overcoming your own challenges? If he/she has this, then they will be able to provide support specific to your needs. There’s a coach for everyone no matter what your needs might be. A great coach with experience has the ability to hold space for anything that may come up in a healing session, which allows you the awesome feeling of relief and exuberation. This feeling comes from a big release of old negativity.


Are you way ahead of me?

Maybe you’re just starting out and exploring the world of personal growth and development and have never had a coach. Or maybe you’ve just read a few self-help books and dabbled with improving yourself. If any of these are true, you probably wouldn’t want to take direct advice from someone who is a decade ahead of you. Although this may inspire you, it’ll be overwhelming. This is especially true in business development and leadership training. I’ve made this mistake myself. I’ve taken advice from multi-millionaires running multiple successful businesses with a strong social media following and tried to implement their advice. It didn’t work. Their advice didn’t translate to my needs because they weren’t baby-stepping it enough for someone in my position.


Do you have a proven step-by-step process?

Not only should they have their own process, but they should also provide flexibility and personalized support for your circumstances. Problem is, most personal growth/coaching programs have you sign up, take your money and then flood you with information. This may include a membership site with a wall of teaching modules built with a specific sequence of steps that happened to work for them. And, according to these programs, if you follow each and every step exactly as they laid them out, you’ll get the exact same results they did. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work this way. All people are different. Their proven process needs to allow for support of you and the way you interpret your reality, the way you process information and the challenges/experiences only you will have.


Do you practice what you preach?

Every coach should be seeking the next level for themselves as they are guiding you to the next level for yourself. You definitely want your coach/mentor/healer to be continually re-investing in themselves because this allows them to be of greater service to you. What’s more, their philosophy should be clear and congruent with how they’re living. After all, demonstration is one of the best ways to teach and create learning. More questions: Do you have a mentor or coach? What area of your life are you currently working on? You definitely want a coach who is dedicated to their own growth.


How easy is it to access your support?

When embarking on a journey of learning/growth, there are bound to be some unknowns involved and some unpredicted obstacles (these are actually a good sign), which you may not know exactly how to navigate at every moment. Therefore, you need convenient support at your fingertips. In order to establish this with your prospective coach, consider asking him or her these additional questions: Are you active in your community? Do you provide plenty of personal interaction and weekly Q As to help me stay on track? Is there easy access to your materials (a link or email)? Speaking of accountability…

Princess Tony Asobinonwu

107 Blog posts

Emmanuel Enemali 51 w


Deborah Osadjere 1 y

a very knowledgeable article

Adebayo Sheriff 2 yrs

I love it

Ayube Glory 2 yrs


Ekene Mathias 2 yrs

This is 100% true

Chukwuemeka Obiora 2 yrs

I love this article. well

Eyitoni Omayuku 2 yrs
