How to use ChatGPT to write an essay - Pros and Cons

How to use ChatGPT to write an essay - Pros and Cons

Write an essay in seconds using ChatGPT

ChatGPT Presentation

ChatGPT collects data written by people on the internet and uses computational predictions to respond to user-entered questions and queries. It generates responses in response to textual requests and information, from which it 'learns' more about various topics and how to discuss them.

OpenAI announced in March that ChatGPT would receive an upgrade. The AI company has since incorporated the GPT-4 infrastructure into the AI assistant, enabling future text and image-based communication with ChatGPT. Certainly, this enhancement will help ChatGPT maintain its lead over competing platforms.


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Tongyi Qianwen, Alibaba's most recent AI chatbot, is the most recent example of the Chinese tech giant's entry into the AI chatbot market. Tongyi, like ChatGPT, is able to comprehend written inputs and generate responses; it will eventually be integrated into multiple Alibaba applications as an intelligent assistant.

As a direct competitor to ChatGPT, Alibaba's chatbot launch could present a challenge for the U.S. AI company, particularly considering that OpenAI is banned in China. Despite a seemingly increasing number of ChatGPT alternatives, such as Jasper Chat, the launch of Elon Musk's new artificial intelligence company (X.AI), and TruthGTP, it remains one of the most popular Chat Bots available.

The popularity of ChatGPT has garnered worldwide attention, both positive and negative. For instance, Italy momentarily banned the service in March 2023 due to concerns about the protection of personal data, but has since reinstated access. Additionally, additional nations have banned ChatGPT. Nonetheless, it continues to be an extremely popular instrument that is breaking records for user growth.


What exactly is ChatGPT?

OpenAI, a company based in San Francisco, developed this system for online consumer service. It is a pre-trained, generative conversation that employs Natural Language Processing (NLP). Textbooks, websites, and various articles serve as its data source, which it uses to construct its own language for responding to human interaction.

This AI-powered chatbot provides information and responses to inquiries. The most prevalent version of ChatGPT is GPT-3 (currently version 3.5). In the meantime, ChatGPT Plus users have limited access to GTP 4, which will be available as an API.

ChatGPT Plus is a paid service that some ChatGPT users upgrade to from the free service. A benefit of ChatGPT Plus is that it permits general access even during high hours.

Within two months of its release, ChatGPT amassed over a hundred million users due to its sophisticated capabilities. Its ability to compose all types of text, including melodies, poems, bedtime stories, and essays, in a matter of seconds has been one of its most notable features.

Contrary to prevalent belief, ChatGPT is capable of much more than simply writing your essay for you (which would be considered plagiarism). More useful is its ability to guide your writing process. Below, we demonstrate how to use ChatGPT for both writing and assisting, as well as provide additional writing suggestions.


How ChatGPT can help you write an essay - Pros

If you are searching for ways to use ChatGPT to support your writing, consider the following five options.

Before you begin, it is also worth noting that if you have access to Bing Chat or Google Bard, you can use the same techniques on those AI chatbots. Due to their internet connectivity, both Bing Chat and Google Bard are able to provide current event sources and context.

If choosing between these two essay-writing chatbots, we recommend Bing Chat.


1. Use ChatGPT to generate concepts for essays

Before you can even begin composing an essay, you must develop the concept. When professors assign essays, they typically provide students with a topic that allows for self-expression and analysis. Students are therefore responsible for determining how to approach the essay on their own.

If you have recently written an essay, you are aware that this stage is typically the most challenging, and this is where ChatGPT can assist you.

Simply enter the assigned topic and as much detail as you'd like -- such as what you're considering covering -- and ChatGPT will do the rest. For instance, based on a college paper prompt, I inquired:

Help me think of a topic for this assignment: "You will write a research paper or case study on a leadership topic of your choice." I would like to see Blake and Mouton's Managerial Leadership Grid and potentially a historical figure included.

Within seconds, the chatbot produced a response that provided me with the essay's title, suggestions for historical figures I could write about, and guidance on what information I could include in my paper, along with specific case studies I could use.


2. Utilize the chatbot to generate an outline.

Once you have a firm topic, it is time to begin generating ideas for the essay's actual content. In order to facilitate the writing process, I always construct an outline outlining the various points I wish to cover in my essay. However, the process of creating an outline is typically tedious.

With ChatGPT, you only need to request that it write it for you.

Using the topic that ChatGPT assisted me in generating in step one, I asked the chatbot to compose an outline for me by saying:

Can you construct an outline for a paper titled "Examining Winston Churchill's Leadership Style Using Blake and Mouton's Managerial Leadership Grid"?


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After a few seconds, the chatbot generated a comprehensive outline with seven sections and three subheadings.

This comprehensive outline can be condensed for a brief essay or expanded upon for a longer one. If you dislike something or wish to modify it further, you can do so manually or by providing additional instructions to ChatGPT.


3. Utilize ChatGPT to locate sources

Now that you know precisely what you want to write, it is time to locate credible sources from which to gather information. As with the previous stages, if you do not know where to begin, you can simply ask ChatGPT.

Simply request that it locate sources for your essay topic. For instance, I posed the following question:

Can you help me locate sources for a paper titled "Examining Winston Churchill's Leadership Style Using Blake and Mouton's Managerial Leadership Grid?"

The chatbot returned seven sources, each with a bullet point describing what it was and why it could be beneficial.

ChatGPT cannot access information after 2021, so it cannot recommend the most recent sources. However, it is a beginning.


4. Use ChatGPT to compose a model essay

Notably, if you copy the text verbatim from the chatbot and submit it, your work could be considered plagiarized because it is not your original work. As with any other source of information, text generated by an AI should be explicitly identified and credited in your work.

In the majority of educational institutions, the consequences for plagiarism range from failing grades to expulsion.

If you want ChatGPT to generate a sample piece of text, enter the topic and desired length, then observe the output. For instance, I entered the following text:

Can you compose a five-paragraph essay on "Examining Winston Churchill's Leadership Style Using Blake and Mouton's Managerial Leadership Grid"?

Within seconds, the chatbot delivered precisely what I requested. A coherent, five-paragraph essay on the subject that can serve as a model for your own writing.

At this juncture, it is important to recall how tools such as ChatGPT operate: They assemble words in what they believe is a statistically valid format, but they do not know if what they are saying is true or precise. This means that you may encounter fabricated information or peculiarities. It will not be able to produce original work because it is simply compiling everything it has previously assimilated. It could serve as a beneficial starting point for your own work, but do not expect it to be original or accurate.


5. Use ChatGPT to collaborate on your essay.

You can use ChatGPT's advanced writing capabilities to revise your essay after you've written it.

You can tell the chatbot precisely what you want it to modify. For instance, I requested editing for essay structure and grammar, but other options could have included flow and tone.

Once you request that it alter your essay, the chatbot will prompt you to paste your text into it. It will then output your essay with the corrections made. This may be the most useful tool because it can edit your essay more exhaustively than a standard proofreading tool can, going beyond spelling.

You could also co-edit with the chatbot by requesting it to examine a specific paragraph or sentence and rewrite or clarify it.


How to use ChatGPT to write an essay - Cons

Whether you are a student or simply curious, you may be pondering how to write an essay using ChatGPT. ChatGPT has become a widely utilized AI model. If you have not yet used it, you are in for a delight.

OpenAI's artificial intelligence bot has been generating headlines for its ability to mimic human conversation. However, that is not all. In addition to essay writing, language translation, and, more recently, passing university-level examinations, the AI model is also capable of performing a number of incredibly impressive tasks.

Numerous Twitter users have put ChatGPT to the test by requesting that the model compose their essays. Surprisingly, their essays were well-written and cogent, but lacked the originality that human writers bring to the table. The following are the results of a Twitter user's request that the system compose their Harvard application essay.

ChatGPT is without a doubt a revolutionary tool, but we do not advise using it for essay writing. Unfortunately, it has several drawbacks, which we list below. In addition, you risk being discovered by your instructors or professors.


Limitations of ChatGPT essays

A few precautions should be taken when using ChatGPT to produce an essay. The first issue concerns the accuracy of ChatGPT.

OpenAI warns its consumers that the model may generate inaccurate data. Additionally, they assert that it has the potential to produce biased results. This is something you should undoubtedly be aware of, as it is possible that your essay is incorrect!

Another significant issue is plagiarism. Plagiarism is unquestionably a concern when utilizing AI to write your assignments. According to OpenAI, ChatGPT does not inherently copy text from other sources.

However, it is able to formulate its response in a manner that is nearly identical. The most effective method for determining this is to run the essay through a high-quality plagiarism detector, such as Turnitin.


Compose a ChatGPT essay.

Utilize ChatGPT to compose an essay.

Now is the time to have ChatGPT write your essay. If you haven't already, you must create an OpenAI account in order to obtain access to the model. Note that you must be 18 or older to create an account.

Step1 - Start ChatGPT
Begin by navigating to the ChatGPT website and logging in with your credentials. Presently, it is fairly common for OpenAI to return a capacity error.

Typically, if you wait a few minutes, you will be allowed entry. If this is not the case, you can read this article to learn how to correct it.


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Step2 - Provide ChatGPT with a prompt
You should now be presented with the ChatGPT homepage and search bar after logging in. To generate an essay with ChatGPT, you must type a prompt into the search bar and select the send button.

Note that the essay will be more specific the more information you provide to ChatGPT. For instance, you can inform ChatGPT of the essay's length, number of references, and number of paragraphs.

Here are a couple examples:

  • Include citations in a 400-word essay on the effects of climate change.
  • Write a four-paragraph essay on the causes of the First World War.



Step 3 - Make modifications
To ensure that your essay is the best it can be, we suggest performing some revisions. To make modifications, you can copy and paste ChatGPT's response into a word processor such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

Rewriting the essay in your own words is preferable, but modifying ChatGPT's response also works. At this stage, it is crucial to proofread the essay and double-check any facts with other sources to compensate for ChatGPT's limited accuracy.

Additionally, it may be beneficial to run the essay through a plagiarism checker, such as Turnitin, to ensure that it is original.


Final Reflections

Thus concludes the discussion of essay writing using ChatGPT. Clearly, the AI model is an excellent starting point when it comes to writing an assignment. But, be cautious. The limitations of ChatGPT are not to be disregarded, and we have outlined them above.

Ojike Stella

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Adeleke Ajibola 1 y

I love this particular one well

Chibor Josiah 1 y

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Work on this