Loan types available in Nigeria in 2024

A loan is money you borrow from a bank or financial institution and agree to repay with interest.

A loan is money that you (the borrower) obtain from a bank or financial institution with the agreement to repay the principal amount plus interest within a specified time frame.

By lending to new businesses, there is a greater chance for healthy competition, which in turn increases overall cash flow in the market.


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Occasionally, the applicant will pledge some property to the lender as collateral for the loan. This is the collateral for the loan. The interest rates paid on loans are also the bank or financial institution's primary source of income.

Variety Of Loans

In Nigeria, there are two categories of loans. Loans secured and unsecured. Typically, all other forms of loans fall into one of these two categories. Several factors distinguish the various kinds of loans. These variables also determine the loan terms and conditions.

Guaranteed Loans

A secured loan is a loan that is backed by collateral, hence the term'secured'. Until the loan is repaid, banks typically require loan applicants to present housing documents or proof of asset ownership. The concept is that if the borrower defaults, the lender can sell the asset to repay the loan. Other collateral assets include equities and bonds. Mortgage and term loans are examples of secured loans.

Mortgage Loans:

A mortgage is a secured financing in which real estate or property serves as collateral. In other words, the property is'mortgaged' until the loan is repaid. Mortgage loans are also known as property loans. It can be utilized to purchase a property.

Term Loan:

This is a loan granted by banks and other financial institutions for a specified quantity and term of repayment. The loan typically carries a fixed interest rate, which you must repay over a specified time period. The majority of loans issued by financial institutions, particularly banks, are term loans.

Unguaranteed Loans

A loan that is unsecured, on the other hand, is not secured by collateral. In other words, the borrower is not required to provide any collateral. When evaluating applicants for this category, financial institutions are comprehensive. They carefully examine the borrower's financial documents to determine whether or not they can repay the loan. Unsecured loans pose a greater risk to the lender than secured loans, resulting in higher interest rates.


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These loans fit under this category:

.  Individual Loan:This loan is made available to an individual for personal use. These loans are granted by financial institutions based on the applicant's credit history and repayment capacity.

.  Credit Card Loan: This loan consists of funds borrowed with a credit card. The card enables them to make transactions in the absence of cash. The lender provides the funds necessary for purchase. However, the borrower must repay the loan within the agreed-upon timeframe.

Other Loan Categories that you should be aware of

In addition to the two primary forms of loans, we can also divide loans into the following categories:

Depending on the method of repayment

Single payment loans:

This loan allows you to obtain a certain amount of money and repay it all at once, as the name suggests. However, you must pay the amount in complete and within a predetermined timeframe.

Monthly loan repayments:

In contrast to loans with a single payment, monthly payment loans enable you to repay gradually. In addition, it is structured so that you repay a fixed amount each month based on the loan's principal and interest. In addition, the date that repayment begins is determined during the loan procedure.

Salary advance loans:

This loan is intended for immediate financial requirements that arise prior to payday. In addition, enterprises subscribe to personal loan companies, thereby granting their employees access to loans. The loan is repaid through a deduction from the next salary of the employees. Generally, cash advance loans carry high rates of interest and fees.

According to rates

Fixed rate loans:

A loan with a fixed interest rate has a consistent rate of interest throughout its term. It could also be any of the other loan categories described in this article.

Variable rate loans:

This is the opposite of fixed-rate loans because the interest rates fluctuate. In addition, the estimated interest rates are based on certain adjustments to the underlying interest rate index. However, the rate has upper and lower bounds that cannot exceed a given time period.

Installment loans:

Repayment of installment loans is accomplished through a series of scheduled payments. Typically, the duration of these debts could be as long as thirty years or as short as a few months. A mortgage is an excellent example of an installment loan. In essence, borrowing is followed by incremental repayment.

Convertible loans:

These loans are convertible from one form to another due to their adaptable nature. This means they could begin with a fixed-rate loan, but transition to a variable-rate loan depending on the circumstances.

Loan Contemplations

. Rate of Interest and Repayment: When selecting loan policies, it is essential to consider interest rates and repayment periods. In general, the longer it will take to repay a loan, the greater its interest rate. Interest rates can be calculated using either simple or compound interest. Simple interest is expressed as a percentage of the principal.


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Compound interest: In contrast, compound interest is the interest paid on interest. In addition to paying interest on the principal, the creditor also pays interest on both the principal and the accumulated interest. Due to the fact that interest is also earned on interest, earnings compound over time, similar to the avalanche effect. It is advantageous for the lender but disadvantageous for the borrower, as the longer it takes to repay the loan, the more money the borrower must pay back. In this context, time is money.


Loans can be challenging. Although they are an effective one-time solution, it is simple to become entangled in a cycle of repayment and debt. Many individuals lost their residences due to their inability to repay a loan. Therefore, before applying for a loan, you should ensure that you can pay it back by the due date. In general, it is also advisable to apply for loans only when absolutely necessary, and not as a regular financial solution.


















































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