For US Citizens: BYDFi, Chainlink, Filecoin, and Route

For US Citizens: BYDFi, Chainlink, Filecoin, and Route

US citizens have few remaining trading options for crypto assets. The majority of cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States have closed or are in the process of closing.

However, there are still viable options. BYDFi is one of these available crypto exchanges for citizens of the United States and Canada. They are also completely regulated.

Chainlink (LINK) is a hyperlink.

Chainlink is the undisputed champion among cryptocurrency oracle initiatives. Nonetheless, it appears to have an undervalued token. This is their local LINK token. The undertaking dates back to 2014.


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First and foremost, however, allow me to define an oracle. They facilitate communication between blockchains and the outside world. Blockchains lack this capacity. They rely on oracles to provide them with accurate information. Chainlink accomplishes this in a safe and dependable manner.

It provides products that provide data for

  • Communication across chains.
  • Data and market inputs.
  • Automated processes.
  • Evidence of reserve.

Chainlink connects TradFi to the blockchain ecosystem. Various partnerships include, for instance

  • SWIFT,
  • BNY Mellon,
  • Citigroup,
  • or BNP Paribas.

Its most recent addition is the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP). This is a solution for cross-chain communications. CCIP should increase the security of bridges. It provides numerous solutions. Such as Burn-and-Mint bridging. Aave and Synthetix already use this.


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RWA or Real-World Assets are increased by the ability to incorporate more TradFi. The ability to tokenize assets will increase both liquidity and demand.

The native token, LINK, is used to pay for all transactions. With the anticipated increase in transactions, the LINK price could experience an upward trend.

Filecoin (FIL) is a cryptocurrency.
For Filecoin, everything is in the name. It is a network of decentralized storage. Filecoin resides on Ethereum. However, it employs the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) protocol. Instead of a conventional address or file path, a unique cryptographic hash is used. Additionally, IPFS is a peer-to-peer protocol.

This brings us to the Filecoin market. Here, you can either purchase or sell storage space. You must use the native FIL tokens for all transactions. The marketplace employs a bidding system in which FIL is used for bidding and payment. The purveyors of storage, or miners, are compensated in FIL.

Filecoin is cost-effective due to its utilization of extant storage options. This makes it less expensive than existing cloud storage options. Any individual may offer their available storage space. Worldwide, there are millions of processors. This is in contrast to Amazon and Google, who have established enormous server facilities.


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Due to its decentralized approach, it offers three advantageous characteristics. For example, censorship-resistant, cost-effective, and tamper-proof. Filecoin also has numerous applications. Including stowage for,

  • Metaverse/game assets and their corresponding native file types.
  • Motivated long-term storage.
  • Information, such as audio and video files.
  • And even more

Protocol for routing routers (ROUTE)

The focus of Router Network is cross-chain. Interoperability and privacy are two additional important blockchain characteristics. It enables the exchange of assets, the transmission of communications, and the development of decentralized applications on a variety of protocols. Router is a layer 1 chain that was developed using the Cosmos SDK (Software Development Kit).

It connects current chains such as, for example,

  • Ethereum,
  • Polygon,
  • BSC,
  • Fantom,
  • Aurora,
  • Kava,
  • and Arbitrum.

Therefore, it connects layer 1 and layer 2 solutions. Router Protocol employs stablecoins for this purpose. It focuses on enhancing the infrastructure connecting the numerous chains. It offers a diversity of features for this purpose. For example,

It determines the optimal route for cross-chain exchanges and the optimal

  • price for token swaps.
  • Unified fuel costs - You utilize the native ROUTE for all transfers and exchanges.
  • Standard SDK for multi-chain tokens for developers
  • Router is the global multi-chain accounting layer for application-specific blockchains

The company Router is assured in its product. To the extent that it offers a $200,000 reward for anyone who can breach its V2 mainnet router. The image below depicts their architectural layout.


Citizens of the United States and Canada may trade these three coins at BYDFi. Please observe that ONLY Americans have access to ROUTE on BYDFI. This exchange provides derivatives as well as perpetuals. You can receive up to $2,888 in rewards if you sign up now via our link. View the image below. Please also note that BYDFi is entirely regulated (US MSB Registration Number: 31000215482431).

The conclusion

Three coins that are available on the BYDFi exchange were highlighted. This is of particular interest to American and Canadian citizens. They have few trading options for cryptocurrencies. However, they can be accommodated by BYFDi.

Did you know that BYDFi facilitates the trading of 400+ tokens without KYC? In addition, you can trade with fees as low as 0.6% for futures and 0.1% for spot, receive free trading signals, and earn nearly $2,000 in incentives. Just click here for more details.

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The disclaimer

The content of Altcoin Buzz does not constitute financial advice. Only for educational, recreational, and informative purposes. Any information or strategies are the author's or reviewer's views and opinions pertinent to their accepted levels of risk tolerance, which may differ from your own.

We are not responsible for any losses you may incur as a result of direct or indirect investments based on the provided information. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are high-risk investments; therefore, due diligence is required. This article was underwritten by BYDFi.

Copywritten by Altcoin Buzz Pte. Ltd.

The article BYDFi, Chainlink, Filecoin, and Route for U.S. Citizens originally appeared on Altcoin Buzz.

Chris Eberechi

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