Recap of Senior High with Synopsis and Cast.

Senior High October 13, 2023 Recap


In the replay episode of Senior High on October 13, 2023, Archie and Sky squabble because of Luna's edited video.

Luna edits a video of Archie and Sky together, which makes it look like they are dating. This angers Sky and she confronts Luna about it. Luna denies editing the video, but Sky doesn't believe her.

Archie tries to mediate the situation, but he only ends up making things worse. Sky breaks up with him and Luna is left feeling guilty.


  • Kiana Valenciano as Sky
  • Seth Fedelin as Archie
  • Francine Diaz as Luna
  • Kyle Echarri as Chad
  • Karina Bautista as Zarnaih
  • Belle Mariano as Abi
  • Ricci Rivero as Kenzo
  • AC Bonifacio as Jessica
  • Awra Briguela as Rodel
  • Jeremy Glinoga as Dex
  • Rhys Miguel as Justin
  • Danita Paner as Nanay Linda
  • Richard Yap as Principal Garcia
  • Yayo Aguila as Teacher Guia
  • Jestoni Alarcon as Teacher Joel


The episode starts with Sky and Luna confronting each other about the edited video. Sky is angry and demands to know why Luna did it. Luna denies editing the video, but Sky doesn't believe her.

Archie arrives and tries to mediate the situation, but he only ends up making things worse. Sky breaks up with him and Luna is left feeling guilty.

Later that day, Archie and Luna talk about what happened. Archie tells Luna that he believes her when she says she didn't edit the video. Luna apologizes for getting Archie involved in the mess.

The episode ends with Archie and Luna promising to be friends again.


This episode shows the importance of friendship and communication. Archie and Luna were able to resolve their conflict because they were honest with each other and communicated their feelings. This is a valuable lesson for everyone, especially teenagers who are going through difficult times.


Senior High October 13 2023

Part 1 HD

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