Senior High is a Filipino teen drama series that follows the lives of a group of high school students as they navigate the challenges of adolescence, including friendship, love, and loss. The series is set in the fictional Northford High School, where the students are divided into two cliques: the popular and privileged "Rich Kids" and the outcast "Geeks." The story centers on Sky (Kyle Echarri), a popular basketball player who falls for Luna (Andrea Brillantes), a shy and introverted student. Their relationship is complicated by the fact that Luna is the sister of Sky's best friend, Tonio (JK Labajo).
- Kyle Echarri as Sky
- Andrea Brillantes as Luna
- JK Labajo as Tonio
- Elijah Canlas as Ace
- Ylona Garcia as Sophie
- Belle Mariano as Gigi
- Donny Pangilinan as Benj
Recap of Episode 36 (October 16, 2023)
Warning: Spoilers ahead
The episode begins with Sky and Luna finally admitting their feelings for each other. They share a kiss, but their happiness is short-lived when Tonio walks in on them. Tonio is furious and feels betrayed by his best friend and sister. He confronts Sky and tells him to stay away from Luna.
Meanwhile, Ace is still struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. He confides in Sophie, who is supportive and understanding. Ace decides to come out to his parents, but they are not as accepting as he hoped. They tell him that he is just confused and that he will eventually grow out of it.
Gigi is still dealing with the aftermath of her breakup with Benj. She is heartbroken and feels like she will never find love again. However, she is surprised when she starts to develop feelings for someone new.
The episode ends with Sky and Luna trying to figure out how to be together despite Tonio's disapproval. They know that their relationship will be difficult, but they are determined to make it work.
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Senior high