"Senior High" is a Filipino teen drama series that follows the lives of a group of students as they navigate the challenges of senior year in high school. The series tackles a variety of issues that are relevant to young people today, such as peer pressure, social media, and mental health.
- Donny Pangilinan as Sky Mercado
- Belle Mariano as CJ Austria
- Kaori Oinuma as Kierra
- Rhys Miguel as Dave
- Vivoree Esclito as Yssa
- Joao Constancia as RJ
- Criza Taa as Margaux
- Ashley del Mundo as Luna
- Gello Marquez as Tob
- Jeremiah Lisbo as Mico
- Star Hunt Academy Batch 3 as Northford High School Students
Recap of Episode 37 (October 17, 2023)
- Sky is still reeling from the revelation that his father is involved in Northford High's corruption scandal.
- CJ tries to comfort Sky, but he is still angry and confused.
- Kierra is worried about Sky and tries to talk to him, but he brushes her off.
- Dave and Yssa are concerned about Sky and CJ's relationship.
- RJ and Margaux are still trying to figure out their feelings for each other.
- Luna and Tob are growing closer.
- Mico is still trying to win back Ashley's trust.
Overall, the episode was a good balance of drama and romance. The characters are all relatable and likable, and the story is engaging. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Alphonsus Odumu 5 w
Senior high oct27