Bitcoin — The Internet of Money

Bitcoin — The Internet of Money

The challenge with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, though, is that it’s such a new and rapidly changing field that it’s hard to find any good books or established resources on the topics. You mostly have to read blog articles, original whitepapers, and Wikipedia pages and figure it out a

By Naval Ravikant

Naval wrote this post back in 2014, explaining how Bitcoin was so much more than just an online currency. He walks through some of the potential applications of the technology, many of which have since started being worked on by startups.

“Most people are only familiar with (b)itcoin the electronic currency, but more important is (B)itcoin, with a capital B, the underlying protocol, which encapsulates and distributes the functions of contract law.”

Zion Obayemi

10 Blog posts

Osom Ogwu 28 w


David Emmanuel 2 yrs

Truly indeed, bitcoin is the internet of money

Emmanuella Asuelimen 2 yrs


Eyitoni Omayuku 2 yrs
