The Difficulties With Single Parenting.

One of the most difficult situations for a single parent to deal with is the overpowering desire to fulfill the roles of both mother and father.


 If the other single parent is not playing an active part with the kids, this feeling will develop and become more strong.

You'd probably use two strategies to combat this emotion frequently. Either you try to make up for it by taking on both the roles of parent and child or you go on one of those animal hunting expeditions to find a partner to take on the other. Could I offer you some advice? Both of these alternatives are ineffective. Saying that is simpler than really doing it.


Because their children don't receive the affection and attention they might from a second parent, single parents are prone to feeling guilty. What should you do as a result? It's a pretty challenging scenario.

For instance, let's say you are a single parent of three kids. This becomes even more challenging if there are two girls among the three, forcing you to decide between becoming a mother and looking for a mother so that your kids might benefit from a better orientation.

To fill the second, you would presumably embark on an expedition. You probably would return to being a single parent even though not even a year has passed.

As already stated, this is never the solution. The lesson to be learned from that experience is that a parent cannot be replaced. Of course, this does not imply that it is impossible to locate individuals willing to play significant roles in both your life and the lives of your children. This shouldn't be the basis for the relationship you develop, is what is actually meant.

Why don't you concentrate on what you need to provide or provide for your children instead of feeling like you need to replace your wife or your husband for them? You shouldn't feel bad about being a single parent. Instead, take pride in the fact that your sons and daughters have you.

This post is intended to assist single parents in realizing that their kids adore them and that if you search for a new spouse or feel guilty, you won't get anywhere. You must realize that single parents do not necessarily need a partner to make their children happy.

If you are a single parent, you undoubtedly feel strongly that you should fulfill both responsibilities. The shame we feel for placing our kids in challenging situations fuels this. You must go past this and heal as quickly as you can.


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You are not a superhuman; you are merely human. You cannot accomplish everything on your alone, and you shouldn't ever feel inferior to others because of that.

Even your kids don't always lend a hand when needed. Children are just being kids; they are not nasty, crazy, or anything of the sort. Kids always act in this way, and it turns out that it is really effective for them. You need to get used to working with your children using your own resources and stop thinking less of yourself because you can't do anything.

Overall, if you adhere to the advice in this essay, you will win your children's respect. You cannot possibly be both a parent and a caregiver for your children, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, consider this as counsel and give up.

You don't have to be physically fit and trim to win your children's affection and respect. They accept you for who you are. To make your children and others appreciate you, you can even start by appreciating yourself. Parenting exercise is different, you need be aware of that.

You most likely believe that having a single child depletes your strength and prevents you from finding time for yourself. Well, let me tell you, it doesn't. It makes you stronger and more proud of who you are as a result of what you accomplish.

Princess Tony Asobinonwu

107 Blog des postes

Chika Okechie 1 y

Is not easy atall

ego glory 1 y


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Unyime Okon 2 ans

Nice article

Barile Joy 2 ans

Thanks for sharing

Barile Joy 2 ans

The single parent struggles; it's not easy

Ruth Odijie 2 ans

So true. Its not an easy task

Anaele Amarachi Kindness 2 ans

Single parenting is not easy.
The society we live in also adds to their burden..
Kudos to all single parents