10 Secret Way to Write A Winning CV for Scholarship Applications

In the process of applying for a scholarship, your curriculum vitae (also known as a resume) will frequently serve as the first filter through which you will be evaluated.

This filter ensures that your application satisfies the necessities of the request, that your past experience is compatible with the program for which you wish to be considered, and that you are a candidate who possesses academic, professional, and personal potential.

A curriculum vitae for academic purposes should be concise and focused. When conveying information to the reader in a clear and concise manner, it is recommended to make use of the Times New Roman font along with bullets, bold, and capital letters. The data must be presented in chronological order. Rather than falling prey to clichés, demonstrate something unique about yourself.


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The purpose of the academic CV is to attract the attention of the scholarship provider, so that the Motivation Letter can conclude by persuading him that your candidacy is superior to all others. A poorly organized academic resume may result in scholarship denial.

As a result of this, the curriculum vitae is one of the documents that is considered to be the most important during the evaluation process. We'd like to share some of our scholarship-winning strategies with you, as well as some of the advice we've given to others.

Review and Reconsider Your Academic CV

Before beginning to write your resume, you must conduct a self-evaluation and decide which components of your professional, academic, and personal experience will be included.

To begin, you need to amass as much data as you can so that you can get a better overall picture of what it is that you can provide for people. After that, you can decide which aspects to highlight and how to do so. It's important to keep in mind that scholarship providers have the final say, so do your homework on who they are looking for. Select and emphasize the most pertinent skills and experiences in your curriculum vitae in light of this information (CV).

You can begin your search for a scholarship by thoroughly reading the description and requirements of the scholarship. You may also view the profiles of other students receiving this scholarship. This is your opportunity to analyze their profile, as scholarship providers frequently publish articles or institutional videos in which other scholars share their experiences.

Make a list of key words while doing your research so you know what to include in your CV (resume). You will know, for instance, whether to emphasize academic, professional, or personal skills and experiences. It can also help you determine whether you should demonstrate more research, leadership, creativity, or social awareness.

How to Structure an Academic CV for a Scholarship?

Each and every curriculum vitae must contain these three components: contact information, educational background, work history. On the other hand, I suggest that you add other sections that make it simpler for the reader to identify relevant characteristics, such as Certificates and Acknowledgments, Volunteering and Other Experiences, Software Knowledge and experience, and Languages. These are the types of sections that you should add.


You are required to list all of your contact information, including your full name, address, phone number, and email address, either at the very top of the page or in the header. Avoid using words such as "CV", "Curriculum Vitae", and "Resume" that are not professional-sounding.


Typically, it goes first because it demonstrates that you meet the minimum entry requirements. For instance, if you are applying for a PhD, you have already earned a Master's degree; and if you are applying for a master's degree, you have already earned your bachelor's degree.

Include only the degree, institution, and year of graduation, as well as the city and country where you attended school. Include special recognition or qualifications if they were exceptional.

Work Background:

Include your accomplishments and quantifiable outcomes in addition to describing the tasks you performed. This demonstrates to the reader that you leave a footprint wherever you work and that you are conscious of the impact of your work. Also written in the first person, but without the word "I." Remember that it's about what you've accomplished, and therefore you are the protagonist of your presentation.

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For instance, rather than writing "sales and event organization," it is preferable to write "I increased sales by 20 percent over the same period last year and organized events with budgets exceeding $500,000 USD." Always use factual references.


List the languages you are fluent in, along with your proficiency level for each: native, beginning, intermediate, or advanced. Avoid using complex numerical scales that are difficult for the reader to comprehend.

Personal Skills:

Mentioning your technical abilities should be done in conjunction with mentioning your personal abilities. This area is quite important since it enables the reader to quickly determine whether or not your profile matches the one that attracts him. In addition to that, you can use this to demonstrate both your self-awareness and your equilibrium.

Additional Important Parts:

If you have written publications or been awarded prizes or certificates that complement your formal academic training, you can organize them in a section to highlight your achievements. You can also do this if you have been recognized for other accomplishments that go beyond your formal academic training. Also, if it is possible, please include links (DOI numbers) to your published works. In a similar vein, if you have experience in extracurricular activities or volunteering, I propose that you group them in a different area so that you can rapidly illustrate your proactivity and social awareness. You can do this by using bullet points.

I'm applying for a scholarship, but I'm not sure if I need to provide my professional profile.

Some individuals choose to begin their curriculum vitae in the manner of a presentation by beginning with the section labeled "professional profile." Nevertheless, it has the potential to become a rehash of what you will undoubtedly write in your letter of inspiration. I would advise against including it on the CV for this reason, in addition to the fact that the CV should be as simple as is humanly possible. If you do decide to utilize it, though, you should limit your writing to no more than one paragraph or five lines of text.

Should I include a picture of myself on my academic CV in order to be considered for a scholarship?

When it comes to the photo, a lot relies on the call, the institution, and the country in which you are applying to be a part of it. However, as a general rule, I would advise you to include a professional headshot in your curriculum vitae (CV), since this will provide the reader a better impression of who is being discussed. The photograph has to be one in which you look to be making a welcoming and joyful expression. Try to avoid making phony smiles and acting too serious.

How to Craft a Winning Curriculum Vitae for Scholarship Applications

A poorly prepared academic CV can result in the loss of a scholarship opportunity. We have detailed eight strategies that you can implement into your academic CV (resume) in order to make it sound highly powerful and successful.

  1. Concise and to the point: the person reading your CV may only give it 30 seconds of their time if there are a lot of other applications to read. For this reason, you ought to work on fitting all of the content onto no more than two pages.
  2. When providing information, please be as specific as possible. Identifies institutions as well as titles and dates. The material needs to be presented in a chronological manner, going from most recent to oldest.
  3. Always keep the appropriate timing. The events that you are not currently participating in must have taken place in the past, but the activities that you are currently participating in must be taking place in the present. It's not clear why it happens, but it does.
  4. Avoid falling into the trap of using overused phrases. For instance, you should avoid writing statements such as "If given the opportunity, I shall prove my mettle" or "I am passionate about." Instead, highlight something that makes you stand out from the crowd.
  5. Simple format, yet NOT flat in appearance. When presenting important information to the reader, bullets, bold, and capital letters are all helpful tools. In order to make reading easier, it is also recommended that you utilize more than one column and that you clearly separate the sections. If you are not applying to an art program, you should steer clear of unusual designs and color combinations in your application materials.
  6. Do not show off your posh email address on your resume: The majority of us today had an email address by the time we were 12 or 13, and this trend is continuing. In those days, life was a lot of fun, and we experimented with emails using all sorts of zany ids. Many of us save those email addresses that have a humorous ring to them, such as [email protected] or [email protected]. These come across as quite amateurish and careless. Create an email address that only contains your name and use that. Make note of it on your CV.
  7. Please double check the spelling. Whether you write in English or another language, the spelling you choose reveals a lot about the way you communicate and the level of linguistic proficiency you possess. Since self-correction isn't always accurate, it's a good idea to get feedback from your friends and teachers on each word and sentence.
  8. Let your resume look consistent: Make sure that all of the bullet points in your resume are formatted using the same font. Times New Roman size 12 seems decent. Give it a shot. You might want to use a slightly larger font for the subtitles (let's say Times New Roman 14).

Professional CV Samples:

Twistok.com has gathered a selection of CV examples suitable for scholarship applications from the websites of the world's best universities. These examples contain a sample CV for a master's degree scholarship as well as a sample CV for a doctoral degree scholarship. These can also be altered slightly to serve as a sample curriculum vitae for an undergraduate scholarship application. We have high hopes that this list will be of assistance to you in composing an effective and compelling academic CV for scholarship consideration.

Wonderful News! Twistok.com is providing you with the most outstanding sample of an academic CV. I really hope that this will be of tremendous assistance to you in putting together your submission for the scholarship.

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orizu kelechi

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Anthony Cletus 2 년

Nice article

Anthony Cletus 2 년

Nice article

Anthony Cletus 2 년

Nice article

Samuel Jephtar 2 년

Knowledgeable and very educative thank u

Deborah Osadjere 2 년


Godwin Udoh 2 년


Hannah Subor 2 년


David Emmanuel 2 년

Thanks for this wonderful information

Makouchukwu Sampson Asoegbe 2 년

Wow cool.

Joy Obi 2 년

Nice one