Customers who are interested in taking part are required to use their credit card to apply for and pay for health and dental insurance through Manulife. They are then required to send an essay to the corporation through email, with a word count of no more than one thousand, explaining how the insurance has been beneficial to them.
The new competition hosted by Manulife started on August 29 and will run through November 20; consumers who wish to take part in the competition have until November 20 at 11:59 pm to send in their entries.
During the length of the contest season, the insurance company will be giving away 84 daily pre-paid gift cards for groceries and gas. There will be 42 gift cards for gas and 42 gift cards for foodstuffs, and each card will be worth $1,000. At the conclusion of the competition, two winners will be chosen from among the participants; one of the winners will receive a gift card worth $12,000 for the purchase of gasoline, and the other winner will receive a gift card worth $12,000 for the purchase of groceries.
"Rising healthcare costs and other day-to-day costs can give the impression that the future is uncertain. "And if you don't have coverage, it might be stressful trying to pay for the fees all by yourself," Manulife noted in the advertising material for the tournament. "We want to help reduce the burden because at Manulife, you're never alone," said the company's spokesperson.
According to the online brokerage site PolicyAdvisor for life insurance, Manulife is the largest life insurance company in Canada, with yearly premiums totaling 39.2 billion dollars. After this insurer comes Canada Life and Sun Life, each of which has yearly premiums that are a respective $36.5 billion and $20.9 billion higher than the previous one.
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