Tesla Phone: News and Anticipated Price, Release Date, and Specifications; and Additional Rumors

Tesla Phone: News and Anticipated Price, Release Date, and Specifications; and Additional Rumors

These are speculations about the Tesla Pi 5G phone, but you shouldn't get your hopes up.

There have been rumors of a possible Tesla phone, rumored to be called Model Pi/P, but there is no credible evidence to corroborate its existence. Nonetheless, it is intriguing to imagine what a smartphone from the highly successful automaker might appear like.


When Will the Tesla Phone Become Available?

The release of a smartphone may not be as plausible at this time, but given Tesla's track record, it wouldn't be entirely surprising. Tesla is known for releasing unconventional yet appropriate products, such as the Cybertruck-inspired electric vehicle for children and a stainless steel whistle.

There are a few primary factors that have us questioning whether or not this phone will be released:

  • The majority of rumors originate from a video uploaded to YouTube by adrstudiodesign in early 2021, but the video makes it obvious that these are merely the designer's concepts and not actual Tesla leaks or information. This appears to be the source of most of the rumors we've heard.
  • The concepts for this phone, such as Neuralink support and connectivity on Mars, are a bit too futuristic to be practical at this time. These features are not required to be included in the phone's initial release, so a device could still be in development without them. It is reasonable to be skeptical when such proposals are proposed at this early stage.
  • It would be counterproductive to invest in a phone if one of the long-term unintended effects or goals of brain-connected technologies such as Neuralink is to eliminate phones entirely.

Consider Telsa's CEO's statement about the future of devices if the above arguments are insufficient.

Neurallinks are the technology of the future, replacing smartwatches and mobile phones.
However, Musk is on record as saying, "I will make an alternative phone" in response to a tweet about Twitter (which he owns) being removed from the Apple and Google app stores. Musk is apparently not opposed to the notion of releasing his own phone to keep Twitter alive, although this has not occurred.


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Lifewire's Release Date Estimate

We'll use Musk's tweet about Neuralink as proof that these speculations about a new phone are unfounded. Granted, Tesla could release a phone in the future, but based on the available evidence, we have no reason to believe this will occur. If (and this is a huge if) this phone is being developed in secret and every rumor is true, it is unlikely that we will see it before 2030.


Tesla Phone Price Speculations

More than a few thousand dollars would be required to purchase a phone with all the advanced features described below. As more people adopt the technology, subsequent iterations may become more affordable, but we do not anticipate that the initial version will be affordable for the majority of consumers.

Assuming the phone is genuine (which, again, we do not believe), and that it would begin with a few of the rumored features, it would likely be priced between $800 and $1,200.


Information on Pre-Order

We anticipate an announcement many months in advance of the official release, and pre-orders may begin early. We have no notion when pre-orders for the Tesla Pi 5G may commence, if they ever do.

If we find reputable information about a release's release date, we'll include any pertinent links to pre-ordering here.


Tesla Pi 5G Features

Given Tesla's over-the-top features in their existing products, such as the Cybertruck's virtually impenetrable exoskeleton and bioweapon defense mode in some of their other vehicles, the rumors about this phone are not unexpected.


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Here is what we have observed.

  • Satellite internet: Elon Musk, who is the CEO of both SpaceX and Tesla, is the founder of both companies. There is even potential for the Tesla phone to help fund Mars colonization, which has been a company objective since its inception. However, they would need to find a method to not only conceal the bulky antennas found on satellite phones, but also ensure that such a compact device would provide reliable service. One hypothesis suggests that it would function where there is already a Starlink base, such as in a building or, if it ever comes to pass, a Tesla car with the appropriate antenna.
  • Solar charging: Tesla manufactures solar panels and automobiles, so solar charging is not an implausible concept. It is improbable that the phone would solely rely on solar power, but it could have a Tesla-branded case that allows for solar charging.
  • Vehicle control: There is already a Tesla app for smartphones that enables fundamental car functions such as locking and unlocking the vehicle, controlling media playback, and summoning the car. This app would be preinstalled on the phone, if not integrated into the operating system, for quick access from the lock screen or external controls. It's also conceivable that the app would offer features exclusive to Tesla phone owners.
  • Astrophotography: Current smartphones use AI and high-powered cameras to assist in photographing the night sky. Add this functionality to SpaceX's extraterrestrial focus, which would inevitably seep into this phone, and you have a device that is capable of taking excellent photographs of astronomical objects.
  • Crypto mining: According to additional rumors, it will mine cryptocurrency. Musk has been outspoken about cryptocurrencies in the past, so it is reasonable to presume he would want to incorporate this capability into a smartphone. While Bitcoin is more popular and Musk presumably favors the existing Dogecoin, there is a rumor that Tesla's phones will mine a new cryptocurrency called MarsCoin, a name Musk has tweeted about. For this to function reliably, substantial hardware would have to be implemented.
  • Neuralink support: Neuralink is one of the corporations working on the concept of computer-brain interface, which is still largely science fiction. According to them, they are "designing the first neural implant that will allow you to control a computer or mobile device anywhere in the world."...simply by thinking about it, your cerebral activity will change. Tesla may develop the first phone capable of achieving this feat. A preliminary version could operate on any smartphone with the Neuralink app, but it would also make sense to include it here, given that Musk owns Neuralink.

It would be far more reasonable to see something more mild become available first, such as the first four or five features coupled with a Tesla-branded version of Android.

If this phone is genuine and Tesla waits to release it until implantable brain-machine interfaces are commercially available, we will have to wait several more years. While Musk is confident that Neuralink will be ready for humans by the end of 2022, it won't be available to everyone right away because its primary purpose is to assist paralyzed individuals.


Tesla Pi 5G Specs and Hardware

Assumptions are the only information available for this phone, and due to the lack of any reliable sources, it is unknown what the interior of this phone might appear like. It would include all the standard components, such as 512 GB to 1–2 TB of storage, 8–16 GB of RAM, an AMOLED display, and a screen measuring approximately 6.5 inches.


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Check out the Tesla Model P concept designs created by ADR Studio, the source of the majority of these speculations, to learn more about the exterior. In addition to the images featured in this article, there are additional high-quality images available for viewing.

Ojike Stella

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