How to use ChatGPT to build an application

You want to create an app with ChatGPT and earn a gazillion dollars, huh? Here is the pertinent information.

I should start off with the negative news. If you believe ChatGPT can create an iPhone application with in-app purchases that will generate a million dollars, you're mistaken.

Every time I talk about how to build products, there are a few people who either (a) want me to write them a million-dollar app, (b) want me to show them the one class or book that will teach them how to write a million-dollar app, (c) want me to share with them the one secret tool or program that millionaire programmers all hide from the commoners, or (d) want me to introduce them to my programmer friends, because surely one of them will write them a million


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This is not how the software business operates. The size and complexity of software are enormous. Numerous applications rely on connections to extensive networks of other resources, which must be integrated. Numerous applications are, in essence, solely front-ends for enormous computing infrastructures that perform their tasks behind the scenes. Other apps, such as games, require teams of people with a variety of talents working in unison for years to produce an application.


How ChatGPT can assist in the development of a mobile application

Now, I believe ChatGPT can assist you create an application. However, it will not do the majority of the task. This is your and your team's responsibility. However, it may save you some time and a great deal of effort. And that in itself is a victory.

With that in mind, let's examine how ChatGPT can help you create an app.

1. Plan your program

Approximately 2 million iPhone applications and 3.5 million Android applications are available. It will be difficult to create a distinctive app, and it's probably not a good idea to create something that already has a large number of competitors.

You should not restrict your investigation to ChatGPT. Include it by inquiring, "Are there iPhone apps that count the days until retirement?"

Keep in mind that ChatGPT's data will end in 2021, so if you want to create an app that helps you write ChatGPT prompts, for example, ChatGPT won't know what's in the app store, but Google's Bard might. ChatGPT responded, "There are no iPhone apps designed specifically for this purpose," but Bard responded, "There are a few iPhone apps that can help you create ChatGPT prompts," before listing the apps.

There is, however, much more to app planning than fundamental market research. Undoubtedly, you will need to plan out functionality and features before creating a prototype of the user interface. Continuing with the concept of developing an application to assist in composing ChatGPT questions, you could inquire:

I intend to develop an iPhone application to assist in composing ChatGPT questions. What should the primary and secondary features of such an application be?

I strongly suggest that you enter this into ChatGPT, as the response it provided was surprisingly thorough and helpful. It demonstrates how ChatGPT could be beneficial when developing an application. The user interface is the next step. While ChatGPT cannot (yet) generate a wireframe, you can ask it for assistance in constructing the app's primary screens.

Can you describe the displays and UI elements this application should have?

Again, I urge you to execute this command, as the AI tool's responses were surprisingly well-thought-out.

Once you have an app concept and have planned out some of the app's elements, you must consider development and deployment. You could attempt a prompt such as:

I would like to develop this application. How do I commence development and prepare for deployment?

I found the response to be far too general, though it could be useful for a novice investigating the procedure. I next tried:

Assist me in configuring the Xcode development environment so I can write this application.

This brought me closer, but was still too broad. I moved one layer deeper:

Please assist me in selecting a template and configuring the Xcode parameters for my project. Additionally, how do I configure Interface Builder?

That was actually very helpful. Continue to delve deeper and ask questions, continue to add elements to your project, and feel free to ask ChatGTP as you progress. Don't neglect, however, that there is a wealth of assistance for app development outside of the new world of artificial intelligence. Do not be afraid to conduct traditional web queries and to dig for examples and guides. This is a large undertaking, so you will need to use all available resources.

2. Construct your app

This is where the code meets the development infrastructure, or where the rubber meets the road. It is where the product is literally manufactured. And it is in this area that CHATGPT is able to provide very fascinating -- but very specific -- assistance.

We are not yet at the stage where you can instruct an AI tool to create an app for you. Apps typically contain tens of thousands (or even millions) of lines of code distributed across hundreds (or thousands) of files. Currently, ChatGPT cannot manage this scope.

In terms of scope, a mobile application can be compared to a book or set of books (or even an entire library). Consider a function, method, or subroutine (different terms for what is essentially a small functional unit of code) to be a paragraph or a short article, or perhaps a chapter in a book. ChatGPT is able to assist you at the paragraph level. It will help you organize your chapter. However, it has no concept of how to manage the entire book.


However, this does not preclude its usefulness. Previously, I demonstrated how it can be utilized to define user interface elements. You can use ChatGPT to receive detailed instructions for assembly. As an example:

Describe how to configure outlets and actions in order to initiate a search for a saved prompt in an existing collection of saved prompts.

This instructs the AI to describe how to configure a single function in the user interface. This could be repeated numerous times with various elements of your user interface. Additionally, you can instruct it to write a specific function or configure data elements. Let's construct a mechanism for prompt storage. Here are two you could use in succession:

Help me configure a mechanism for storing saved prompts

Explain how to use Core Data to store prompts for later access.

The first suggested three storage mechanisms, so I asked the second to assist me with Core Data for the second. In this section, it also drafted some fundamental code that facilitates initialization of the data storage mechanism.


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Initially, it aided in establishing the storage mechanism itself:


Then, it provided an illustration of how to save a prompt. You can use this code as a starting point, then add your own code on top. However, with ChatGPT's assistance, you have a solid starting point.


It also demonstrated how to obtain a prompt. Here is where you would receive the returned data, as well as format and present it using your own user interface design.


I won't go into more code-generation prompts, but you should have the general idea. Use ChatGPT to write concise, well-defined code fragments and receive guidance. Consider it to be a very talented novice developer who understands the code but lacks the ability to see the big picture.

Expect that not all of ChatGPT's code will function. As previously mentioned, sometimes the AI's code is flawless and other times it is a complete failure. Comparable to code written by humans, in actuality.

3. Deploy your app

In this example, I'm assuming you're developing an iPhone app; however, these steps apply to applications on all platforms. Your app doesn't miraculously appear on users' devices once you've finished developing it. Instead, you must prepare the app according to the guidelines of each app store before publishing it.

To begin, you may want to issue a prompt similar to the following:

Walk me through the deployment procedures for my application.

ChatGPT provided me with the following six stages along with a brief paragraph summarizing the steps in response to my query:

1. Create an Apple Developer account by registering.

2. Configure the parameters of your app.

3. Prepare your application for release.

4. Submit your application to the Apple App Store.

5. Patiently await app evaluation.

6. Publish your app.

Here's another place where ChatGPT provides added value. You may follow each of these steps and request further clarification. As an example:

How do I configure my application's parameters for deployment?

Please detail the process for submitting my app to the App Store.

Keep drilling down. If a phase is glossed over by ChatGPT, request clarification. Imagine that a witness in court has provided an incomplete response. Continue digging by posing increasingly specific inquiries until you obtain the information you seek.

Now, if you're extremely fortunate, you've positioned your app as distinct from all other apps, developed a customer base, are raking in the big bucks, and are pondering which Ferrari to purchase and what your next app should be. Most likely, you'll be supporting customers, fixing problems, adding features, and experimenting with new marketing strategies.

No matter what, if you've reached this point, you deserve congratulations. Back in the day, I created forty ridiculous iPhone applications, and ChatGPT would have been a tremendous asset. You'll be alright if you simply view it as one of your many tools, not as your only tool.



iPhone apps or Android apps?

Both industries are enormous. If your application is successful, you will likely deploy it on both platforms. Depending on the desired functionality of your app, it may or may not be better adapted for one platform over another. For instance, one of my favorite Android applications is Tasker, which allows for a greater degree of customization of the Android experience than Apple's approximate equivalent (Shortcuts) does on iOS. If you were to create an app similar to Tasker, you would likely prioritize Android.

Select the platform with which you are most familiar and develop your application there. Then transfer it to the other setting.


How can I ensure that my app appears in search engine results?

If you're discussing search results in the app store, you'll conduct both keyword testing and graphic design. First, ensure that you have a compelling icon and that you've included sufficient screenshots and videos. Those should not be excluded. Then, SEO becomes the focus. You will need to identify keywords that distinguish your application. There are numerous instruments for accomplishing this, and you can ask ChatGPT for assistance and a list of some of them.


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How long does it take to develop a mobile app?

From one week to three years is the shortest answer. Longer answer: It all depends. What is your application's size? What does it intend to achieve? How knowledgeable are you and your colleagues? The first of my forty applications (the majority of which were very similar to one another) took nearly a month to develop, while the rest required only a day or so, excluding the 10 or so days Apple required to approve each app.

However, some applications may require years to develop. A program to store and recall ChatGPT prompts is vastly distinct from, say, the Facebook application. If you want to create a Facebook, an Instacart, an Uber, or anything else of comparable size, you have a long journey ahead of you. However, if you have a creative idea, anticipate the process to last between a few months and a year.

Ojike Stella

1727 Blog posts
