June 12: Tinubu Threaten the Judiciary Against Using Court Orders To Truncate Democracy

June 12: Tinubu Threaten the Judiciary Against Using Court Orders To Truncate Democracy

On Monday, Nigerian President Bola Tinubu issued a warning against arbitrary judicial orders that could have a chilling effect on democracy.

Mr. Tinubu addressed the nation on Democracy Day in his first address as the 16th president of Nigeria, stating, "It has become imperative to state here that the unnecessary, illegal orders used to shorten or curtail democracy will no longer be tolerated."

The president referred to Moshood Abiola, who was proclaimed the winner of a presidential election that was later annulled on June 12, 1993, as the "symbol of democracy."


ALSO READ: Tinubu signs into law a bill raising the retirement age for judges.


Former Nigerian military dictator Ibrahim Babangida was able to prevent Moshood Abiola from becoming president as a result of a court ruling that declared the election to be invalid. At the time, many Nigerians referred to the election as the "freest and fairest" in Nigeria's democratic history.

"The abortion, by military fiat, of the decisive victory of Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola of the defunct Social Democratic Party (SDP) in the June 12, 1993, presidential election, up to that time, the fairest and freest election in the country's political evolution, turned out, ironically, to be the seed that germinated into the prolonged struggle that gave birth to the democracy we currently enjoy since 1999," Mr. Tinubu said.


He stated that Nigerians opposed Mr. Babangida's arbitrary annulment of the elections due to their "ferocious commitment to establishing democracy"


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Mr. Tinubu, whose victory in the February 25 presidential election is still being challenged in court, commented on the controversies that frequently follow election campaigns in Nigeria.


"Those who cannot endure and accept the pain of defeat in elections do not deserve the joy of victory when it is their turn to triumph."


Atiku Abubakar, candidate for president of the People's Democratic Party, and Peter Obi, candidate for president of the Labour Party, have lodged petitions contesting Bola Tinubu's election with the Presidential Election Petition Court in Abuja, Nigeria.Those who participated in the most recent elections and were dissatisfied with the results, according to the president, "are taking full advantage of the constitutional provisions to seek redress in court, which is one of the reasons why democracy is still the best form of government ever invented."

People should have confidence in the legal system to administer justice, he said, adding that he had only recently standardized the retirement age for judicial officers.The president provided an explanation for the action, stating that it was "intended to strengthen the rule of law, a critical pillar of democracy."

On May 29, multiple lawsuits were filed to prevent the inauguration of Mr. Tinubu as president of Nigeria. During the days preceding the inauguration, these cases were lodged.

In one of the PDP's petitions, the Supreme Court approved Mr. Tinubu's inauguration on May 26, exactly 74 hours before the ceremony was scheduled to occur.


ALSO READ:  Breaking: Mbah Meets Tinubu For Nnamdi Kanu's Release

The People's Democratic Party (PDP) asked the courts to prevent Mr. Tinubu from being sworn in due to the double nomination of Kashim Shettima as the president's running mate. The case was heard in the Federal High Court in Abuja, the Court of Appeal, and finally the Supreme Court. The case began at the Federal High Court in Abuja and progressed to the other two tribunals.

In a similar vein, two additional petitions were filed with the Federal High Court in Abuja to prevent Mr. Tinubu's inauguration; however, the court dismissed both of these cases.The judge ordered the attorneys who filed the meritless lawsuits to pay penalties because the court deemed their cases to be frivolous.


Bruno Kelvin

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