My Husband Is Not A Magician– Nigerian First Lady, Oluremi Tinubu

During a church service named "Christ in you, the hope of glory," held in Abuja to celebrate Nigeria's 63rd Independence Anniversary, she made this statement.

During an interdenominational church service held in Abuja to commemorate Nigeria's 63rd Independence Anniversary, Oluremi Tinubu, the First Lady of Nigeria, made a statement regarding her husband, President Bola Tinubu.

Mrs. Tinubu acknowledged that her husband inherited a challenging situation in the country and clarified that he is not a magician who can solve all problems instantly. She further elaborated that the issues they faced were not recent but had been accumulating for many years.

She emphasized that their administration is not interested in playing the blame game but is focused on fixing the damages caused by previous administrations.

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Mrs. Tinubu's comments demonstrate the administration's commitment to taking responsibility for the country's challenges and seeking to address them in a constructive and effective manner.

According to the speaker, her husband is not a wizard or any form of supernatural being. He goes to work like any other person, and she has faith that their country will experience a period of tranquility.

The speaker believes that Nigeria is already witnessing a season of prosperity, and for citizens to be partakers of this greatness, they must rise above their present circumstances and embrace hope with renewed vigor..

According to the speaker, the key to effective governance lies in following the example set by Jesus Christ. She emphasized that Jesus embodied the various positive qualities that are commonly referred to as the "fruit of the spirit".

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These qualities include love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, and forgiveness.

The speaker further emphasized that by adopting the nature of Christ, individuals can overcome any challenge, obstacle, or difficulty that they may encounter in life.

She quoted Matthew 11:28, where Jesus invites all those who are struggling to find peace and rest in him. In conclusion, the speaker urged her listeners to hold onto the hope that Christ has instilled within them, especially during difficult times.



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