How to Choose a Blog Niche That Will Make Money? (Right way to do it in 2024)

Choosing a market that pays well For those who plan to start a blog, this is the most critical essay you will ever read.

Choosing a market that pays well

For those who plan to start a blog, this is the most critical essay you will ever read. Your future success will depend on how well you know your blog's niche. If you don't know this, you might fail.

There are a lot of people who started blogs but gave up on them before they could find the fame they were meant for.

The most intriguing thing about this is that the bulk of them spoke in the same tone:

  • I resigned because I was unable to attract readers to my blog.
  • Inability to earn a living prompted my resignation.
  • I didn't make it.
  • I didn't get lucky.

Disappointing to hear this, since I know the problem is not the hard work put in by these people, but their lack of knowledge on how to make money from blogging and their inability to identify a blog niche.

Now, I'll tell you everything you need to know about choosing a niche, which will be the basis of your profitable blogging business.

Please bookmark this tutorial for future use. This is a lengthy read. Drink some coffee or green tea and turn off all of your electronic devices.

Reading every word with the purpose of learning something new is the best way to ensure that your future blog will be a success and that you won't make the mistakes that many bloggers make when choosing their specialty.

Where does the blog fit?

From what the dictionary says

As a term denoting something that appeals to a limited, specific group of people or interests.

Most of the time, people think of a blog niche as:

  • What is the point of your blog?
  • What's the point of your blog?
  • The most common mistake when choosing a niche?

When it comes to choosing a niche, a lot of newbies make a few mistakes. Let me write down a few.

1. Entering a broad niche:

There is a lot of rivalry in a generic niche, and it's also a very wide one. For example, there are niches in health, technology, and fashion.
A better approach is to focus on a certain subset of a larger market.

This would be enough to make your blog popular, get a lot of traffic, and make money.

It is also a great way to get expertise in a particular field because you will be spending a lot of time studying, learning, and writing about that particular subject matter.

2. Fewer ways to make money:

A lot of people who are just starting to blog only care about AdSense. This is mostly because they don't know enough, but that shouldn't be the only thing you use to choose a profitable niche.

It's time to broaden your horizons and choose a specialization that offers more revenue options.

This could be something like (but not limited to)

  • Reach out to advertisers
  • Programs for affiliates
  • Online courses
  • Merchandising

If you're interested in learning more about monetizing your blog, check out my guide on how to make money blogging.

3. Failure happens when you don't do research:

If you want to make a business out of blogging (a steady stream of income), you need to spend time researching and using data to find a niche.

This could take up to two or three days, after which you could start your blog. But just doing this exercise would help you prove that your idea is good, so that your decision isn't just based on how you feel about it.

On the other hand, going with your gut is not a bad thing, as long as you have the right information before you start your blog.


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4. Staying in the wrong market niche:

A mindset of "It's ok, I'll make it a success" is a dangerous one that can lead to disappointment and, finally, the decision to abandon your site altogether.

When you realize that you're working in the wrong industry, you may be able to establish a new website in a different industry and make it work for you. Using the experience you've gained from your first blog, you might find that your second one is a resounding success.

Every single blog I've started in my 12-year blogging career has been more popular than the previous one. As a result, don't be scared to leave your old specialty if it's too crowded or you no longer have an interest in it.

Before making a decision on shifting your niche, take all this advise with a grain of salt and ponder it. As a ShoutUniversity member, you can always question me about your area of expertise.

5. Not starting because of a lack of a certain niche

To be effective with profitable blogging, you must start with niche selection, but don't stay there for too long. Within a week, you should have completed the entire selection process for your niche. There are many more hurdles ahead.

However, you can always go back and change your mind afterwards. Avoid getting bogged down in the process of narrowing down your target market.

Let's move on to the positive aspects...

Choosing a Specific Industry as Your Focus Has Several Advantages

1. Google's Favorite: Increased Traffic:

Because you'll be relying on data to help you narrow down your specialty, your chances of creating a popular blog are much higher. Because you're specializing in a narrow field, you're more likely to be recognized by Google as a valuable source of organic traffic.

2. Loyal Customers:

This allows you to draw in customers who share your interests. Because your blog will focus on a single subject, being in the proper niche will help you attract readers who share your interests.

Your viewers are more likely to stick around because your site is focused on a single issue.

You'd see a decrease in bounce rates, an increase in the average time spent on each page, and an expansion of your online community. The first stages of this process may be gradual, but soon everything will alter.

3. It's Possible to Become a Master:

It may take some time to master a subject, but as long as you put in the time each day, you'll eventually rise to the top 1%-5% of your profession. This is the best part: You won't even realize how much you've learned, as there will always be a thirst for more information. When you compare your most recent writings to your most recent writings, you'll notice a noticeable shift.

4. Increasingly Simple Marketing:

This alone should motivate you to put in the time and effort necessary to narrow your focus. Focused blogs make it easier to market yourself, and you'll get better results with fewer efforts than with an unfocused blog.

5. More Mullah:

Advertisers will approach you once your blog gains traction.This stage of your career will be transformative, since your original specialized decision will enable you to earn more money than your colleagues.

It's expected that the advertising will have a high CTR from the hyper-targeted population, which would result in maximum money. Because I worked in a targeted niche, one of the niches I worked on netted more than $12000 in a single day. Now, you might not get the same outcome as me, but you'll be a lot better off than if you start a blog without a specialty in mind.

a generic niche vs. a niche that is laser-focused (Micro niche)

  • Writers' freelancing vs. non-writers' freelancing
  • Apple user's technology blog vs. Apple user's technology blog
  • Fashion and Life Style for College Students vs. Fashion and Life Style for College Students
  • Backlink building vs. SEO

5 Guidelines for Choosing a Blog Niche:

1. Your passion or area of interest

Choose a specialty based on your previous experience, hobbies and learnings, current interests, readings and learnings, and life accomplishment. For example, if you've lost weight, you might consider establishing a health blog, or if you've achieved financial independence, you might consider beginning a finance blog.
Always keep in mind that teaching is a superior method to learn!

I do it by making a list of topics that I'm interested in and then filtering them using the criteria given below.

This assures that the niche you choose is not only something you care about, but also one that will be successful in the long run.

2. Easy Win in a Low-Competition Niche:

Another element to examine before settling on a niche is the level of competition. You should avoid niches with a high level of competition because many other webmasters are developing websites in the same area.

This is the most important principle to remember while choosing a niche. Your goal should be to choose a niche that is not very competitive and has a small number of users interested in it. It also has the ability to increase over time (see niche selection trends) to have a clear knowledge of this.

3. Your Field of Specialization:

Although enthusiasm is one compass for finding a fantastic focus, you should not overlook your existing knowledge when choosing a specialization. Expertise is one quality you should consider, especially because many websites rely on Google search to drive visitors.

Google made it plain a few years ago that when ranking a website, they consider author competence. You will be rewarded with more organic visitors if you have a high ranking, which will help you succeed in your blogging activity.

In fact, Google went a step further and began de-ranking websites with unclear competence, particularly in sectors such as health, banking, and anything involving money.

Generic categories such as fashion and technology are currently doing well, but we cannot guarantee that this will continue in the near future. When choosing a specialty, think about your qualifications, your official designation (for example, engineer, doctor, or management degree).

Do not enter a market where qualifications are important unless you have one of them. This scenario has a workaround, but it isn't as simple as it appears. So, in addition to your interest, think about a niche where you may highlight your own experience or hire professional writers. Having an expert review your content is a workaround for this (For example, health niche can work with a medical practitioner, to review the content).

4. Future Relevance of the Topic

So you've found a few niches that interest you, but what about their future prospects?

Making sure the trend is increasing over time will keep you relevant in the future.

This rule doesn't hold true if you're writing a micro-niche blog whose lifespan is less than two years. Google Trends is a nice free tool for checking a topic's trend.

Here's how to leverage Google Trends to your advantage.

  • Go to for more information.
  • Enter the topic of your niche.
  • Choose a destination country (Ex: Worldwide, India, United States, Australia)
  • Choose a year range (Ex: 5 years)

And Google would show you how user interest in that topic has risen or fallen over time.

5. Is it possible to make money from your niche?

Another key element to consider when choosing a niche for a profitable blog is the amount of competition in that field. It's fairly uncommon for new bloggers to start a blog on something they care about yet struggle to monetize it.

Due to the large number of highly trafficked niches, it is difficult to monetise these areas of the web The reason for this is that there aren't enough marketers interested in advertising in such areas.

Although Google AdSense or are the most frequent ways to monetize any niche, there are additional levels of monetization that create more revenue, as I discussed in my how-to-make-money-blogging webinar.

Analyzing similar websites in that niche is one approach to determine the monetization prospects. Competitor analysis is another name for this method.

Examine how other blogs in a comparable niche (wide or narrow) are monetizing their sites.

There are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Are they exclusively monetizing through contextual ad networks like AdSense?
  • Do they have any direct advertisements? If so, which brands are you talking about?
  • Is there a list of affiliate links on the site?
  • Is there anything for sale (courses, eBooks, merchandising)?
  • Do they provide consulting services?

This type of research will give you a leg up on the competition, as well as provide you with ideas for your blog's business plan.

Last but not least, successful niche selection necessitates:

Before you move on to the specialized selection FAQs, there's one thing you should know:

This guide should be used as a starting point for your niche search, but it should not be the only item you consider. Outliers who imagine the unimaginable are common, and you should be aware of this.

However, some ideas, such as collecting data to validate your niche selection notion, can help you avoid making the same niche selection mistakes as others.

This book will teach you how to identify a niche using the methods used by pros. In the real world, learning all of this expertise would cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. In spite of the fact that you're receiving this information for free, it's meaningless if you don't adhere to any one of the fundamental principles of niche selection.

If you already have a blog in a specific area, this approach can help you refocus it. This way, you'll not only ensure your future success, but you'll also avoid being one of the many bloggers who have given up blogging owing to poor niche selection.


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239 Blog posts

Fortune Anthony 40 w

Nice one

Esewi Ogbebor 1 y

thanks for the information

Omeleh Tekenah Fidelis 1 y


Gracy 1 y

This was really helpful thank you

Adeola Oladipo 2 yrs


Sunday Omoku 2 yrs

Thank you

Ekene Mathias 2 yrs


Ekene Mathias 2 yrs

Thanks you

Chinedu Ekene Eucharia 2 yrs

nice one

Vivian Nicholas 2 yrs

Hmmm truth